Chapter Thirty One

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Chapter Thirty One

One week later

      I sit in one of the chairs that are placed in his room. Instead of leaving it leaned against the wall where I had found it, I have it almost attached to the side of his bed as I rest my head down on his arm, his hand in mine as I clasp it tightly.

      They allowed us into his room two days ago and I haven’t left his side but once and that was to go home and shower quickly, literally. Instead of my thirty minute shower like usual, I took a five minute one at tops and made it back here in three minutes instead of ten.

      The others are sprawled out about the room. Thomas, Chris, Kale, and a few other lay on the floor, laying their heads on pillows they brought from home, their bodies covered up with blankets. Steve, Wendy and the others went down to the cafeteria to grab something to eat, leaving me practically alone.

      I close my eyes, trying to sooth myself slightly with the sound of his breathing, even though it doesn’t sound quite right, and the occasional twitch of his fingers as they are entwined loosely in mine.

      My eyes fly back open when the sound of footsteps running down the hallway, then the door flies open, making me sit up quickly at the sight of the boy.

      His features remind me so much of Rodger my stomach turns; it was like I was seeing Rodger awake, moving, and looking right at me. The hurt and disappointment that it wasn’t him looking at me, moving, and being awake, is so strong I want to cry.

      “Who are you?” he asks me as a piece of black hair falls into his eyes but he doesn’t brush it away. Instead of Rodger’s blue eyes, he has a piercing green, but everything else is exactly like Rodger, well, except for the obvious age difference. The boy was obviously older than Rodger.

      “Shouldn’t I be asking you the same?” I ask him when I have found my voice.

      Suddenly, the confused look on his face vanishes and a small smile replaces it.

      “I know who you are.” He says. Breathlessly laughing. “Your Brooklyn, the one who has been staying at the house, right? The one Rodger always is talking to me about?”

      At the sound of this my heart clenches slightly and I force a small smile.

      “Yea, I guess so.” I whisper, removing my eyes from his and to the floor as I blink back the tears.

      Rodger used to always talk about me?

      “I’m Jake.” He explains and I look back at him.

      So this is the older brother that was off at college? That explains the close resemblance.

      His gaze moves itself from mine and falls onto Rodger, a pained expression filling his face and he takes a step into the room, shutting the door behind him.

      “I got here as soon as I heard…. I had been taking exams all week and had my phone off practically the whole time-….” He explains to no one in particular. Guilt and sorrow fill his face and I look away, not wanting to see anymore.

      “Do they have any idea when he will be getting out of this?” he asks and I look back to him, finding him looking questioningly at me, waiting for an answer.

      “No.” I whisper regretfully.

      He breathes a sigh, it is more of a groan though, a angry, sad, emotion-filled groan. His hands fly to his hair, raking them through it quickly, making it look even messier. Something else Rodger did frequently.

Beware of the Parker Boys *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now