Chapter Twenty Five

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Hello! Finally updated! Alright, just wanted to say thank you so much readers! And I want to dedicate this chapter to you! :) Couldn't have done it without you! Enjoy!

Chapter twenty five

      I sit in the living room, waiting for Rodger to return.

      I know where he went.

      The others sit on other couches and chairs, giving me more space than I need. I hear the front door open and I shift myself to look at the doorway, wincing when the movement causes waves of pain through my ribs. I watch as Rodger peers in the living room slightly, his eyes meeting mine. They are filled with anger that quickly fades when they land on mine, leaving only guilt and something else I cannot place.

      “Hey,” he begins but I stop him.

      “Where were you.” I ask softly, my eyes glaring into his.

      He opens his mouth to respond and I don’t even have to hear it before I know it is going to be a lie.

      “And spare me the bullshit Rodger. Where were you?” I ask, my voice firm but it cracks a little bit when I think about what he has done and what is going to happen.

      “I had to do something Brook.” He says softly, his words pleading slightly.

      “Do you have any idea what you have done!? What is going to happen to me!? What he will do!?” I shriek, panic and fear bubbling in my throat and a sob threats to escape as tears sting my eyes.

      “He won’t do anything…”

      “That’s what we all though before! You didn’t hear what he said to me! You weren’t there! You don’t know what he will and will not do! Do you really think he is going to listen to you?”

      “He knows he has to, he knows that if he doesn’t…”

      “Then what? He doesn’t give a rats ass what you have threaten him with or what you will do! If he had he wouldn’t have done it in the first place!” I snap. “You should have kept your mouth shut like I told you to in the first place!”

      “I couldn’t just stand around and do nothing, knowing what he had done to you.” he says, trying to keep calm.

      “Yes you could have! Because now things are only going to get worse! Now I will not tell you if he does anything else! I do not trust you.” I say, and without another word I run from the room and flee into mine.


            “Hey B, someone here for you.” Dalton says, poking his head through the door. I lay on my, petting the head of the squirrel who lays sleeping in her bed. I turn to look at the door and find Tanner stepping inside and shutting the door behind him.

      Before he turns around I face Sandy again, not wanting to meet his eyes.

      “Your brave to have come here.” I say softly, thinking about what the others must be saying, what he must be saying.

      “I had to make sure you were okay.” he tells me and I feel the bed dip with his weight as he takes a seat at the end.

      “Why wouldn’t I be?” I ask him, worry washing over me about what he may know.

      “You don’t have to lie Brook. I know what happened.” He whispers and I sit up, keeping my eyes on him the whole time but his stay in his lap.

      “How? Who told you?” I ask him, my voice hard but I can hear the worry and fear behind my own words. How many people knew? How did they find out? Daniel was going to think she told them, he will come after her, and it will be worse than it had been.

      “It’s not important how I know, what is important is I do and that you are okay.”

      “No, I need to know who told you. Tell me Tanner.” I say, watching him closely.

      “Bryan told me.”

      “Who-….” I begin but stop when I remember where I know this name from.

      “Fuck off Bryan, you want to leave? Then leave.”

      The thought of his voice makes my blood run cold. But why would Bryan risk telling someone, knowing Daniel will come after him.

      “But…. Why would Bryan…..”

      “He told everyone. Everyone knows now. I don’t know how many times Daniel has been beat up today, sure all of us have gotten in trouble but hell, it was worth it.” he says shrugging.

      “You got in trouble?”

      He shrugs and flashes a smile my way. “It was fun to be the protective friend again.” he says and I feel a smile pull at the corner of my lips.

      We are silent for a second before his eyes meet mine again, sadness fills them along with furry.

      “I had tried to call you that day. I had tried to call you and when you didn’t answer I knew something was wrong. I went to your house but your car wasn’t there so I decided to drive around and see if I could find you, but I didn’t.” he says, taking in a irritated breath. “I didn’t even think to look at the school….” He mumbles.

      “Don’t worry about it. It’s over and by the sound of it, it has been taken care of.” I say softly, sliding down the sit beside him and I place my hand on his arm.

      “Yea, but it still happened.” He mutters.

      We sit in silence again and I feel his arm go around my shoulders and he pulls me to him. I rest my head on his shoulder and shut my eyes as he presses a kiss to my forehead.

      When will I stop feeling things for him?

Sorry it has been so long since I have updated! Between some of my school work and trying to keep my other stories updated this one seems to escape my mind... But i did want to thank you so much readers! We made it to 800 reads! :D I cannot believe it! Thank you so much! I couldnt have done it without you! Thank you!

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