Chapter Two

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The following chapter has been rewritten, and events have changed.

Chapter Two

The next day, before the sun had even had time to rise, my father had me sitting on a plane to Cedar Park, Florida. Waiting at the airport in a blackout car, a driver waited for me, already holding the information as to where he was to take me.

The drive wasn't more than thirty minutes when the car pulls to a slow stop along the curb, he puts the car into park and hits a button, the trunk opening with a pop. He gets out, setting my bags onto the sidewalk for me before flashing a smile and a quick wave. I could tell from what little conversation he and I had in the car, that he spoke little English.

"Wait, is this the right house?" I ask him, gesturing to the oversized house behind me, tucked in the neighborhood of other lookalike houses. It was made out of white brick, all of them laid out perfectly for fantastic foundation. The windows were large, allowing easy access to see inside some of the main rooms to the house where the curtains were open. There were two large oak trees in the front yard, grey moss hung from them, swaying in the warm Florida breeze. In the driveway, there were four vehicles parked outside the two car garage that was attached to the right hand side of the house.

"Yes, bright house." He nods persistently, reaching into his pocket and pulls out his phone. He pulls up the information for my drop off, allowing me to compare addresses, only to find that he was correct.

I thank him, watching as he gets into his car and drives off quickly, probably off to his next human delivery run. Grabbing my bags, I make my way to the door slowly, taking my time choosing my steps up to the front steps. I press the doorbell, setting one of my bags down to allow my arm to rest. Waiting a few uncomfortable moments, there is no answer. I bounce from heel to toe, biting my lip as I debate on ringing it again. Just as my hand reaches to do so, the door is thrown open, greeting me was a yawning boy about my age.

His hair was jet black, messy from nap I kindly woke him from with my presence. He scratches his chest slightly, his eyes finding mine and his eyebrows draw downward.

"Hi, I'm looking for the Parkers?" My voice is small, I advert my eyes away from the intense coloring of his blue eyes and scratch my elbow sheepishly.

"Yeah, are you Brooklyn?" His voice was slow and casual, as if he has known me the entire time. I nod, still not meeting his eyes and he mimics my head bobbing with a little more enthusiasm, obviously not caring if I caught onto his sarcasm.

"Okay." He says loudly, as if he was trying to figure out why I was being so awkward. I stood waiting for him to figure it out, because I would have liked to have known myself. "My dad is waiting for you."

Nothing more is said, he turns away from me and leaves the doorway. I quickly grabbed my bag and shuffle inside, shutting the door with my foot behind me.

"You can just set your things there." He points to the floor beside a tiny wooden table with a glass bowl on top. Inside the bowl were several pairs of keys, each of them belonging to who only knows which vehicle outside. He watches me silently, not introducing himself or asking questions. I stand straight and find that he has already turned towards the hallway, guiding me into the man I have heard so much about.

Nothing about the house was dark, there was a light on in every room, making me wonder to myself about the size of their electric bill. The hallway was wide, not narrow like the one back home, and the walls around us were covered in photo frames. So many faces were in each one, showing that they must get together for family reunions often. I have always fantasized about having a large family who get together on birthdays and holidays, sharing laughter and love.

Beware of the Parker Boys *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now