Author's Note

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Author’s Note

      Hello Readers,

      Wow, Beware of the Parker Boys has finally came to a end, and let me tell you, it took a lot of work. I have only finished two other books other than this one and I am really surprised I stuck with this one, but I wouldn’t have if it wasn’t for you guys!

      All your reads, votes, and comments are what made me stick with this story and made me finish it. Just knowing that you guys were waiting for another chapter made me get right back on my laptop and begin the other chapter right after I had finished the last!

      I never expected this outcome when I posted this story, and I really did not think of me finishing it. There were many of times when I almost hit the delete button, but now, looking back on those thoughts I am so grateful I had the sense not to! :D

      But the feeling of accomplishment after putting an end to this story was outstanding, I can say that I am pretty proud.

      I don’t know if there will be a sequel and I don’t know if any of you were wondering if there would be one but there is an answer anyway, even though I wasn’t a very helpful one. ;)

      Thank you so much for everything but most of all, sticking with my story to the end! You all are amazing!

      Keep writing!


Beware of the Parker Boys *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now