Chapter Thirty Eight

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Chapter Thirty Eight

Brook’s POV

      Let’s just say, I didn’t get any sleep that night.

      “Just let me try something.”

      The words.

      The feelings.

      The burning sensation.

      The failure.

      He hadn’t remembered anything. He isn’t going to remember anything from a kiss. I was stupid to even think about it for a moment. And now, I am left with the feelings, and the wanting for more, but I know I cannot go back for more, due to the fact that he isn’t the boy that would kiss me again like he used to.

      I have been up all night with these thoughts coursing through my mind, bouncing off each side of my brain, leaving me with no sleep and a terrible headache.

      But along with these thoughts I have been thinking about the day that is ahead of me.

      I look at the clock and find that it was seven thirty. Knowing that in just a few hours the boys would be awake and would trap me here, I push myself out of bed and to the bathroom.

      I brush my teeth and take a shower. I get dressed into a nice floral skirt and a lace blouse, wanting something nice to be worn when I am ‘with’ my mother in a manner of speaking.

      I apply little makeup, knowing what is ahead of me and I don’t need it to be smeared everywhere. I have let my hair hang loosely, letting it be air dried.

      When I am done I get the duffle bag I packed the night before from my closet and tip-toeing down the hallway and to the front door. My hand hovers over the knob and I look behind me, making sure no one is waiting to bust me just when I am thinking I have safely escaped.

      When I find no one I slide out the door and down the driveway, making it easily to my car, where I put the duffle bag in the back and me in the driver seat.

      I carefully back out the driveway and down the road, beginning my journey.


   About thirty minutes into my drive I notice a car has been tailing my ass this entire time, but instead of passing me in all the passing lane and on the four lanes, it continues to ride my ass.

   I don’t know how many times I have suddenly slammed on my brakes, trying to let him know I want him off my tail but he continues to follow.

   I don’t know who or why they are driving like a freaking maniac but I can’t help but feel uneasy.

Beware of the Parker Boys *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now