Chapter One

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The following chapter has been rewritten, and events have slightly changed.

Chapter One

I walk up the stairs of the apartment building, stepping on the light green chips of paint that have flaked off onto the floor. The lighting was dingy, one of the fluorescent bulbs had blown out, the other blinking with a low lifeline itself. My keys jangle as I unlock the door, sliding my backpack off my shoulders and giving it a gentle toss behind the now closed door. Like clockwork, my fingers glide down the row of locks attached to the door, making my little knook a safe place.

A light red dot flashes on the answering machine, notifying me silently that there was a messaging waiting to be heard. Just another one to add to the others that had collected within the little metal device.

I use the ponytail on my wrist to tie my long brown hair away from my face as I grab both my Algebra and Biology book from my backpack. Sitting on a stool at the island counter, I am able to complete my homework for both classes within the next hour. The house was quiet as my pencil slid over the paper, writing in answers to the blanks and solving questions.

Sophomore school year was coming to an end next week, allowing for the assignments to be simple, but enough for the teachers to believe they were keeping us busy. We had already been through the final exams, turned in the major presentations, and we're all just patiently waiting for summer break.

I return the textbooks to my bag, my stomach growling for a snack as I sift through the cabinets. Settling with a cup of macaroni and cheese, I fill the cup to the line with water and place it in the microwave. As it cooks, I make my way down the hallway of the apartment to my bedroom, changing into sweats and a tanktop to be more comfortable. The beige colored carpet pads the bottom of my feet, walking from my room, I pass by the bathroom to my right, and a door to my left that always remained closed.


The sound echoes through the silent apartment, making me stop in my tracks when I have reached the living room.

A knock.

A sound so unfamiliar here that alarm stirs in my veins. My green eyes bore into the door, mouth opening and closing in short, slightly panicked breaths. I am afraid to move, worried any movement would be heard by the pair of ears on the other side of the door, announcing that someone was indeed home.

They knock again, showing persistence, causing the panic to heighten. I didn't get visitors here unless they were announced, and be 'announced' we are talking the pizza guy I see every Thursday night.

It was Monday.

I wait a few moments more, remaining in the same place, halted in the middle of my living room. No more sounds are heard, giving me hope that whoever it was, has left. Maybe it was a new neighbor who hadn't yet caught the memo that the residents of this building kept to themselves.

The hope is diminished when the microwave beeps, announcing to both the stranger and I, that my macaroni was ready to be eaten.

"Brook, I know you're in there."

His voice is muffled by the thick door he is being forced to speak through, but it isn't enough to mingle it into being unfamiliar. My blood moves quickly through my veins and I shake my head, cursing quietly as my hands form nervous fists.

"Open the door, we need to talk." My father persists, his voice is gentle as he attempts to persuade me into allowing him inside.

With lite footing, I ease my way quietly to the door. Pressing a soft hand to the cool metal, I lean to peek through the peephole, the small opening only letting me see partial to the situation. I could see his tousled black hair that was gelled back, showing his fingers had been raked through it as time passed today. His face held stress and he looked exhausted.

Beware of the Parker Boys *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now