People, Meet Percabeth

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"Dad, please! Pretty, pretty please, with a baby Pegasus on top, " Percy pleaded with that really cute baby seal face, which makes me wonder how could anyone resist that face? Should they close their eyes and say no? Or do they just run away and scream never?

Percy smiled, "Neither. You say 'yes'."

I sighed. For his 20th birthday, Percy asked me to transform him to a merman for only that day. I snapped my fingers and he became one. Little did I know that I would very much regret it.

"What did I do?" Percy wondered.

"I dreamt this happen!" Poseidon said as he paled.


For the rest of the day, I watched my ( super immature, yet smart ) son wriggle and slap tales with dolphins, whales and the other merpeople. But, I started to fall asleep and someone just sent me a vision.


I am seeing two very familiar people, walking hand in hand by the sea shore. The girl had blonde hair and very familiar grey eyes, while the boy had jet black hair and very familiar sea green ones that are similar to mine.

"Percabeth!" Piper squealed, then she looked around, "What?"

"You're weird..." Hermes told her.

"What's Percabeth?" Percy asked.

If Aphrodite is still shipping Athena and I, I'm going to have a heart attack., I thought. Then, I shuddered. Why would she ship me with Owl Head?

Percy shook his head, "Why would she ship ANYBODY?"

"Cause it's FUN!!!" Aphrodite answered.

" Of course I'm not shipping you with Athena! If you would look closer, you would see who it really is,"  Aphrodite's voice resonated through the vision.

"That's just scary..." Percy said.

When I looked closer, I realized it was Percy and Annabeth. And that was also the time I shouldn't have looked closer since they were in a make out session.

"Wait... people watch us do that?" Percy asked as Annabeth blushed.

And then---- SLAP!

"Did Athena slap you?" Percy asked, holding in laughter.


End of Vision

I woke up to find a dolphin grinning sheepishly above me. I raised an eyebrow, and it shot back to the place where it came from.

"How could you shoot it dad?!?!?" 

"I didn't... I sent it into the ocean..."

"Oh... Okay!"

I searched for where Percy was and I saw him sitting with his girlfriend on the beach. I smiled slyly and chuckled at what Bird Brain would do when she finds out.

"I am NOT BIRD BRAIN!" Athena said, cleary not pleased.

"Calm down Lady Athena!" Percy said.

WRITTEN BY: TheRandomnessGoddess

I am sorry if I offended you in anyway.

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