From Heister to Butler

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           Continuation of  chapter 2  

       Jacksons POV

(I swear this time)

I stood on the side of the road for at least 20 minutes before I heard the sound of the big black pick up truck. It quickly pulled up in front of me, Daiju looking forward at the road, but I could tell he was staring at me out of the corner of his eye.

As I opened the door and hopped inside the pickup, I saw Dysseus and Alfastr in the back seat. Dysseus had a big red mark on his face, no doubt from Daiju catching him, and Alfastr sat there with a worried look on his face, with it soon turning into one of relief as I buckled my seatbelt.

[Jackson] "Hello boys, did you miss me?"

[Alfastr] "What the hell were you thinking going off like that without any message?"

[Jackson] "Listen, it's all a long story"

[Daiju] "Explain"

[Jackson] " start off, I ran into The Eve I've told you all about"

As I said that, the car screeched to a halt on the empty road as a red light hung above our heads. I saw through the side mirror that Alfastr turned he held his breath waiting. The always crazed and cautious Dysseus also shared a look, as he stopped what he was doing to look at me from the side of his eyes. My face turned as Daiju looked at me, his bright orange eyes holding a mix of anger and fear as he let go of the steering wheel and grabbed my shoulders, checking my arms and body for bruises or of few times he actually let his emotions show.

[Daiju] "Are you hurt...did she hurt you....did she force you to do going back to kill her"

Daiju took the stick and quickly reversed the truck down the empty night road. I was quick to grab his arm and stop him from going past further. My eyes showed that I was upset by his reaction, the force from my wrist made him slowly ease his hold of the wheel.

[Daiju] "Why stop me?"

[Jackson] "Because......after today I....feel differently then I used too"

[Dys.] "Are you sure you aren't already going through Stockholm Syndrome?"

[Alfastr] "That's when your captive...but I agree, are you sure that what your feeling is the safest feeling"

I turned around as I stared at Alfastr in his silver eyes, my scarlet obols simply glaring at him as I fixed my glasses, my eyes now replaced with the simple scarlet glasses that only added to my intimidation.

[Jackson] "We are thieves Al....we rob heavily armed casino's and banks for a living...the fuck are you talking about feeling's being safe"

[Dys] "Hey now brother....why the fifteen tons of anger?"

[Jackson] "Because, my quarrel is with her and as much as I love this criminally dysfunctional family, I am a grown man, and I can handle her myself...the skeletons I keep in my closet are mine to handle, I will call out for help when I need it..."

[Dys.] "You keep skeletons in your closet...I usually bury them in the grave"

As the words left his mouth, we all turned to look at him...only for laughter to escape Alfastr...then me....and finally ending with Daiju breaking into laughter as well. We sat on the quiet road as the car shaked with our laughter.

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