Scars of yesterday

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Chapter 4

Jacksons POV

The sound of rushing waves caught me off guard, awakening from my slumber as I sat up. The cold feeling of water on my face, the slight nudge on my back as I was pushed forward by a wave of water...Here?.....Again...this marks what, the third time I've woken up in this weird hell-.....dream-....whatever the fuck it was...

It was as I looked at the sky that I realized a few things. One, I was in that dark dream-like world once more, but it was off, there were...dark clouds, and the subtle tone of thunder in the distance. Secondly, the smell of this place, or at the least the water...I thought it was some sort of ocean, but never actually checked if it was salt water...hell I wasnt even sure if it was water......fuck it.

My hands cupped together as I picked up a small bit of water, raising it to my lips as I let the cool liquid smack against my lips and into my mouth...I felt calm, relaxed, as the cold liquid had a faint lavender taste, mixed with a not so faint taste of honey, ending my flavor adventure with the smacking after taste of a sweet and tart lemon.

I took in a deep breath, letting out a silent exhale as I began my swim to the island in what I believed was the center. As the white sand now felt damp, compared to its gritty dry feel like before. The cold gray grass brushed against my bare feet, soaked in a cold and sticky liquid, its translucent shimmer stealing my attention. Was there a storm here? Could there be a storm? I did see and hear those loud clouds before, but still.

Unlike before, I decided to observe and explore the island before I rushed up to the hill, yet my gaze quickly shot up to it as I checked for the mysterious figure. He stood there, radiating an aura of irritation, yet his attention was on something else from what it seemed.

The quick adventure was not fruitless in effort, but didnt feel all that rewarding, only raising more questions of the silent sanctuary of darkness. I found a sword lodged into a large marble boulder, words carved into the steel, "Invicta" I said, more questions. Farther down the island's coast was a helmet, a dark and almost scary aura radiating off it, the sides had two long and sharp horns pointed upwards, no doubt a deadly use of defense, but who did it belong to?. Lastly was a single thing that made me smile, a small rose poked from the gray grass, as its shimmering petals let off a faint glow, I attempted to pluck it, but the thorns seemed like they aimed for me, poking my hand enough to leave a trickle of blood...guess that's a no to a bouquet for the mystery man....speaking of.

I walked up the hill as I heard the armored man mumble in irritation, it was odd...I was closer than before, my lungs unaffected by whatever force stopped before. My gaze moved to the small scale at his feet...I was right...its bowls were decorated in such unique fashions. The right one held the smokey orb, as it floated in air, its trails of smoke fluttering in the feelingless breeze. The bowl itself was carved in the shape of a hand, as it held an x shaped mark on the back of its hand, its nails replaced with dark black jewels...the left bowl held the red orb, its pulsating red light was faint, almost like it was dying. The left bowl itself was carved like that of a skeletal hand, its joints connected by a red colored metal...the entire contraption was made of a dark black steel, its center holding another pulsating orb, but this one had a beat to a heart...

My foot nudged at the mystery man, as his smoke shrouded head turned to me, as he finally moved closer to me. His face was still shrouded by smoke, but his body was up close. He wore his dark bone like armor once more, his skin was a dark crimson, just like the orb and heart like thing. His piercing red eyes stared at me from under the smoke, as he let out a huff in my face.

[???] "Next time, keep your emotions in check"

I looked at him dumbfounded, moving my arms around to signal that I was not only confused but offended by his sudden insult towards my mental integrity.

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