N. R. & C. D. The Morning After

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Natasha, Carol and I have been dating for about six months now and we all love it. It's great. Double the hugs, double the kisses, double the cuddles but most importantly double the sex. Natasha and I had a eventful night it's the morning after and she's still asleep while I'm laid next to her just resting my eyes but I feel like I'll be falling asleep again soon. I can't feel my legs from last night. We've both been missing Carol for the past month since she's been away in an important space mission but she should be returning today so I'm hoping to wake up to her back already. I nuzzle in closer to the red head and take in her scent that swiftly intoxicates me into my slumber.

Carol's POV

I walk through the door and head up to Y/n, Nat and I's room that Tony made bigger than the other rooms for us along with a huge custom closet and bed. Very extra but we love our room so we don't even complain. I slowly open the door to find both my girls knocked out cold. I can't help but smile at them but I've also missed them a lot and I've been craving them so much that I don't care that their asleep. I lay behind Y/n wrapping my hands around her waist pulling her close. I took a deep breath and tried to calm my hormones but I couldn't help it.

I lean down and notice fresh looking marks on Y/n's neck, I grin to myself thinking of what probably went on. I slowly start kissing around Natasha's marks making her grumble in her sleep. "Nat I thought you'd be tired." she mumbles but her eyes snap open when she realizes that it isn't Nat. She turns around facing me "Carol!" She squeaks making Nat stirr awake as well. Her emerald eyes connect with mine and she jumps up "Baby, you're back!" she grins scooting closer making Y/n wince. I shoot her a worried look while Nat kisses her cheek "Sorry, my love" she softly chuckles and I quirk my eyebrow at them "A bit of a wild night." Nat adds making me smirk "I think you'll be getting a wild morning too" I say and Y/n's eyes visably widen "Why can't you do Natalia?" she asks and I grin "I can do you both but it's more fun when you're already wincing for any sort of touch." I husk and she glups slightly.

Y/n's POV

I softly gasp when I feel both of them slide their hands to either of my thighs. My legs are already trembly and numb from the night before and now they both are touching me. I gasp again and grip both their forearms when Carol pushes her fingers into me while Nat runs over my clit. I let out a soft wince when their movements sync up. I lean my head back taking the new pleasurable feeling in as they find a shared steady rhythm. "Fuck" I mumble closing my eyes. I let out a sigh as Carol leans down kissing my neck. She shifts kissing my lips properly "I missed these lips" She smirks and speeds up to which Nat quickly follows making my mouth fall open and not able to kiss her back. She takes the opportunity sliding her tongue into my mouth. As the slick muscle roams my mouth both Nat and Carol speed up making the knot in my stomach tighten. I  let out a breathy moan and pull Natasha in for a kiss as well. As Nat and I make out Carol starts curling her fingers making me jolt softly at the new feeling. Once Natasha and I pull apart she continues toying with me adding to the pressure which after a few more of Carol's finger curls leads to me getting thrown off the edge. A string of curses and both their names fall from my lips as loud moans while my legs tremble as I feel the warm liquid spill over, dripping out of me. My chest heaves as I try regaining my breath. I let out a small groan as I turn nuzzling into Carol's chest slowly calming down as Nat begins to trace small patterns onto my shoulder blades. Carol leans over a bit finally giving Nat a sense full kiss. Nat moves away and I turn around to look at the redhead. "I'm getting us a bath ready love." she tells making my features soften as she wanders to our bathroom "Can we do Nat in the bath?" I grin at Carol making her smirk as well "Of course we can. She deserves it after all." Carol agrees easily and I nod "She does and I need to return a favor anyway" I add making her chuckle "I think you mean revenge baby" She corrects and I shrug "You want to make walking hard or impossible for her just as much as I do so I think it doesn't count as revenge" I defend and she smirks "I'll let it slide since it's true." she teases.
Nat pops back into the room "Bath is ready" she smiles. She loves baths so she's excited. Carol gets up and kisses Nat "Thank you for getting it ready for us Talia" She says and Nat walks up to me kissing my forehead. "Let's go" she says scooping me up into her arms and carries me over to the bath. Nat gets in and I nuzzle into her front making myself comfy. Carol settled in front of me looking at our gorgeous Russian girlfriend. I slowly move my hand behind my back sliding it between her legs "Y/n" Nat warns and I smirk "Yes love?" I question and she lifts her brow at me "I think your hand slipped or something" she husks and I shake my head "just cause I can't walk currently doesn't mean that I'm not in control of my hands." I  smile innocently and Carol scoots closer with a smile.

This got requested so I hope I delivered to your expectations, sorry for leaving this on a sudden stop heh. Looking forward to any future requests if anyone had any <3

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