Drunk Baking N. R.

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Natasha and I have been dating for about a year now and we went out on one of our Saturday night dates that we go on every two weeks unless one of us is out on a mission. We went to a bar where we got competitive in our drinking. So we're both pretty drunk. We stumble through the doors of the compound and try to be quiet although we are laughing our asses off at litteraly nothing. "Babe! Shhhh stop it" Nat says through her own laughs as we walk through the door. I gasp as we pass the kitchen "Talia!" I slur clutching her hand "what is it кролик (bunny)" she chuckles "Let's bake a cake!" I offer wrapping my arms around her neck. "You want cake?" she snickers to which I nod. Nat eventually gives in "Fine but we have to be quiet, okay?" she says I grin kissing her in thanks and we move to the kitchen. "Do we have boxed cake anywhere?" I ask and Talia shrugs. We raid all the shelves and cupboards as well as the pantry and don't find any cake mix but we did find white chocolate sprinkles which gave me a great idea. I gasp again making Nat turn to me "Baby! What if we make a chocolate funfetti cake but instead of the normal sprinkles just use white chocolate sprinkles?" I offer and she nods.

She starts by cracking 3 eggs into two bowls separating the yolk from the whites. "Oh shit" she curses. I walk over to her looking in the bowl and let out a giggle "I don't know if I want a crunchy cake bub" I say picking the few shells out while Nat smirks watching me. Once I get all the shells out I grab some sugar and try to get a few tablespoons in but pour some more out by accident making myself laugh which results in Nat shushing me. "BABE SHH" she whisper yells through laughs I spin around and kiss her "You shh." I softly chuckle turning back to whisk the egg yolk and sugar together whisk the egg whites and add a pinch of salt" I tell whisking away I see her nodding from the corner of my eye.

Once both parts are mixed I sift a bit of flour and a little cocoa powder into the yolk and blow some at Nat making her squeal "Y/N!" she whisper tells chuckling. She gets a pinch of flour tossing it at me making me laugh. After a while we're both covered in flour.

Once we've decided that it's enoughessing around Nat melts some chocolate and pours it in as I whisk it in quickly so it won't clump. Then I fold in the whites making a fluffy batter I fold in the white chocolate sprinkles and take the spoon bopping her nose with the batter. She glares at me but smears a bit onto my cheek "Asshole" she laughs and I stick my tongue out at her. She moves in and kisses the batter off my cheek making me giggle "That's good" she says and I grin at the streak of batter on her lip "What are you smiling about, кролик? (bunny)" she asks reciprocating my smirk and I shrug keeping my smile on my lips. I slowly move close and kiss the left over batter away. "You're right baby, it is good" I say smiling still close to her. She nudges her nose against mine with her signature smirk and closing her eyes. "I love you" she whispers making me smile wide "I love you too" I say copying Talia's tone. I kiss her cheek and turn on the oven to pre heat it.

I grease the pan and pour the batter in and put the cake into the oven and turn to Nat "20 minutes" I grin and she reciprocates my grin stepping closer to me and lifting me onto the counter connecting our lips in a fiery kiss. Her hand slides down to my leg and she lifts it onto her hip. We continue our heated make out as her hand travels higher and higher up my thigh I slowly pull away "Natasha." I warn and she looks at me with a devilish smirk "Not in the kitchen" I decide and she rolls her eyes moving her hand between my legs to the insides of my thighs. "Everyone's asleep" she grins and I smirk at her "That's the problem. If we're in the kitchen they'll wake up." I explain and she shrugs "You'll just have to be quiet then кролик (bunny)" she husks gliding her fingertips over my clothed core making me sigh. She un buttons my jeans and looks at me "Want me to stop? Or am I allowed to continue?" she asks and I shake my head softly "Don't stop." I say lifting myself slightly with my hands so she can pull them down. She nods pulling my jeans down to my ankles. She leans in sucking on my neck leaving a mark. I wrap my arms around her neck tangling my hands into her red locks. She pushes my underwear to the side pushing her fingers into me and I let out a broken moan, tucking my head into her shoulder, knowing that I have to keep quiet. She starts moving them in and out curling them on ever second thrust or so. I bite down on her shirt to keep quiet. I can feel the sensation bubbling in me  "Fuck Nat!" I moan into her shoulder she speeds up making my head fall back.

Just as I'm about to release the oven dings and before Nat can react I pull her closer and moan "Don't stop. Let the damn cake burn for all I care" I hiss as my eyes screw shut as a result to Nat  speeding up I let out another loud moan which is muffled by Nat kissing me. My legs tremble as I release on her fingers. She slows her pace letting me ride my high out and slowly pulls out of me with a grin. I let out a breath slumping onto her shoulder. She pulls my pants back up and quickly rinses her hands in the sink and pulls the cake out of the oven before it got burnt. She took me off the counter and kissed the top of my head "cake, movie and cuddles before bed?" she questions and I nod. Nat brings me upstairs, we both change and I settle in bed picking a movie while Talia goes to get our cake. She returns with the whole cake on a plate, two water bottles and two forks. She settles next to me placing the plate in her lap and hands me my water ascorted by a kiss. We watch the movie I picked while stuffing our faces with cake and once the cake is gone we cuddle up and fall asleep still watching the movie.

I love our date nights.

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