Chapter Twenty-Two

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"Secure channel eight." Natasha's voice echoed in YN's ear, making her straighten her shoulders.

"Channel eight secure." YN responded, peaking over the top of a large barricade and onto the street that was sixty or so stories below her. "Remind me again why I had to be on the roof?"

"Not scared of heights, are you?" Natasha snickered.

"Heights? No. Falling to my death? Maybe." YN responded, swallowing thickly.

"Don't worry baby, I won't drop you." Sam laughed, making YN smile slightly. YN looked back over the barricade, into the opposite building, she gripped the sniper in her hand tightly, using the scope to see into the rooms.

"Got any movement on your side, Bucky?" YN asked, continuing to survey the floors she could.

"Negative. No movement." YN sighed, leaning away from her position.

"Are we sure we're even at the right spot?" YN moaned, wiping sweat off of her brow.

"We have movement on the roof, repeat four men exiting the building from the roof." YN frowned, looking back through her scope at the men, whom seem to have appeared out of nowhere.

"Sam, what can you see?" Natasha asked.

"They're grabbing something from the – holy shit." YN frowned again, waiting for Sam to continue. "They have a Stark Industry missile."

"Tony, are you hearing this?" YN demanded, watching the four men carry the large explosive in through the door.

"I'm hearing you. What are they even doing with one of those?" Tony responded, stress evident in his voice.

"What do they plan to do? Blow up the Pentagon?" Bucky asked no one in particular. YN sucked in a breath, releasing it slowly.

"I think that's exactly what they're going to do." She whispered, hearing radio silence for a few seconds.

"We've gotta get in there before they launch that thing." Sam rushed out, quickly landing beside YN.

"YN, Sam. Enter through the roof, keep near the windows as much as you can so Bucky can cover you. Tony and I will be in soon." The two on the roof looked at each other briefly, breathing heavily in anticipation.

"Copy that, Nat." YN responded, nodding to Sam to lift her up. "If you drop me, I'm telling Sarah." Sam gasped dramatically.

"That's just cruel." YN laughed, holding her breath as Sam swopped off the edge of the building. Landing softly on the roof of the large building, YN and Sam ducked down behind a wall, making sure no one was coming through before they slinked inside.

Looking over to Sam, she motioned for him to hand right as she stayed left against the windows. Gripping her pistol, YN stepped around a pillar, quietly screwing on the silencer onto her gun.

"You have two incoming on your twelve, YN." Throwing up a thumb of acknowledgement to Bucky, YN squatted down beside the door, waiting for the two men to enter the room. As they entered, YN threw a kick into the back one sending him flying into the other and down to the ground. YN held two guns up, pointing at their heads.

"Not a word." YN grinned, before throwing the butt of her gun into the right man's nose and her boot into the others. Once they were effectively knocked out, YN kept moving through the halls silently. "Sam, status?"

"Coming up to an opening, three doors down. Meet me there." YN called back an affirmative, continuing down the hallway.

"We're entering through a side window now; we will come to you." Natasha advised, receiving her confirmation when YN reached Sam.

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