We meet again

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Days went after the accident, izuku was depressed and he couldn't get enough sleep because of his nightmares, tomorrow is the first day of UA.
Before the accident izuku was very happy to go to UA but now he don't have the desire to go anymore, but he have to, because he promised his mom.

It was dark outside so I decided to back my things for school and but my uniform on my cabinet, then I decided to get some sleep but of course I get up after about 20 minutes because of my nightmares.
I can't handle it anymore I was very tired but I couldn't sleep, I cried all the night then I fall asleep for about 1 hour, but my alarm begann to ring so I got up and went to the bathroom to fresh up.

🥦Izukus POV: I look like shit, I have very dark eye bags, and I look like a ghost because I didn't eat good in the past days.
So I decided to put on make-up to hide my eye bags and then eat a toast for breakfast, then I got to my room and but on my uniform and got my back bag for school.
I went outside looking in the house, it was very silent.

He missed his parents, tears were formed in his eyes, as he wiped them away and closed the door.

I forget to say that izuku didn't want to tell anyone about the accident, so he don't have to get adopted by some other people. So he keep it as secret

He then walked to school. He was in class 1A he goes and checked the rooms until he found his classroom, the door was really high, and Izuku was wondering why.
He then walked in and heard some people screaming, he looked up to see a blonde boy screaming at a boy with dark blue hair.
CAN YOU PUT YOUR FEET DOWN!!! (Iida screams and makes some Hand movements)
NO SHIT FOUR EYES (bakugou screams).
When Izuku saw the blond boy, he ran to him and Hugged him tight, all of the class looked at them with confused faces, some tears where formed in Izukus eyes, as he let out of the hug and said: K-kacchan, you are kacchan right?
Bakugou looked at Izuku with a confused face and said: what the f*ck damn nerd?
Omg you are really Kacchan.
Suddenly the door opened and a very tired man came in, all the class looked at this man confused
ALL SIT DOWN (the man said)
I'm Aizawa Shouta, and I'm your classroom teacher.
Hah? Everyone said, and looked at each other.
SILENT (Aizawa screams)
Sooo, you have to introduce yourselfs, but dose anyone have a question?
Iida raises his hand
Are you a pro-Hero?
Yes I'm Hero...............
Izuku mumbled: Pro-Hero eraserhead, with his quirk he can stop all the quirks but he has to sleep a lot if he uses his quirk........ mumbling mumbling.........
The class:......................... 😶😶😶
Izuku realized what he was doing.
🥦Izuku POV:
As I realize what I was doing, I stood up and bow down and I apologize for my mumbling, it was very embarrassing.
Out of POV.

It's ok kid sit down Aizawa said.
So Iida-kun your question is answered right?
Yes Sir Iida said.
Days went by, Izuku and Bakugou doesn't speak much, because Bakugou only hang out with his squad (Kirishima/Shitty hair, Mina/Pinky, Denki/Dunce face...........) and Izuku doesn't want to make friends because he was scared that he will lose them, so he was alone all the time.

Time skip when the got droms

Aizawa: OK class calm down, I have some news, so the principal decided to make dorms, and you will have a dorm puppy.
Mina raised her hand and said: Sir can we choose our dorm puppy?
Aizawa: No, I will choose.
Ohhh manoo Mina said😑😑
Izuku raised his hand
Aizawa: yes problem Child
Izuku: do we have to live in the dorms?
Aizawa: yes, it's for your safety
Izuku: O-ok.
🥦Izukus POV: I don't want to, what if someone hear me screaming when I have a nightmare? out of POV.
Aizawa: OK so the couples are
todoroki and Iida
Kirishima and Denki
Mina and Ochako
and at least Midoria and Bakugou.
Bakugou: Uggghh why with that damn nerd.
Aizawa.: excuse me Bakugou what did you say?
Bakugou: Ughhh nothing
Aizawa: OK Problem children don't forget to bring your stuff for the dorms tomorrow.
Class: yes sir
Aizawa: OK I want to sleep, class dismissed
Everyone got out of the class, and were happy for the dorms, except Izuku he was worried about the dorms.

Time skip the next day

Izuku did his morning routine and then went to school.
He was really tired like always.
🥦Izuku POV: I went to the school as I saw all the student waiting to get to the dorms, I stayed till its my turn, I get In the dorm it was very big and cool, I liked it.
I saw kacchan backing out his stuff, I said hi and went to back out my stuff.

Time skip unite afternoon

Everyone was tired after baking their stuff out.
Izuku was the one who made dinner, he made katsudon for all the class except bakugou, he made spice noodles for him because he knows that kacchan loves spice food.
All the class eat their meal and went to sleep.
That was part 2.
I hope you liked it, byeee<3
946 words

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