Awake (End)

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Izuku wakes up to see Katsuki sleeping while sitting on the chair next to him but his head is on the bed and he is holding izukus hand.
Izuku looks at the sleeping katsuki and blushed, he was sleeping so peaceful, he was just like when they were little.
Izuku smiled and ruffled katsukis hair.......

🥦Izuku's POV:
Omg, kacchans hair is sooo soft it looks just very spiky
I'm glade he is Ok, hahhh~
Kacchan looks so cute, ahhhhhh~ I could look at him like that for the rest of the day '//////'.
Out of POV.

💥Katsuki's POV:
I begann to wake up, I think I slept by izuku in the hospital.
I begann to open my eyes, then I felt a hand playing with my hair, I looked up to see izuku smiling at me.....
Out of POV.

Izuku: good morning Kacchan

Katsuki: Nerd you are awake ........

Izuku: hehe, yeah..... Oahhh Kaccha....

Katsuki Hugged Izuku very tight, izuku was shocked and he was in a blushing mess.

Izuku: K-kacchan

Katsuki: WHAT, ähmm forget that Nerd, and don't you dare to tell anyone....

Katsuki rushed out the room, he was blushing but he hide that and was on his way to the dorms.

🥦Izuku's POV:
Omg omg omg '////' kacchan Hugged me, I'm not going to wash these clothes ever..........
WHAT..... what I'm I thinking about and why is my heart bounding so fast?
I-I think I like Kacchan, nooooo I love Kacchan '/////'
OAHHHHH I love Kacchan.......
Out of POV.

Mean while with Katsuki:
Katsuki reached the dorms and went in, he was still blushing, when he was going to his room he met Aizawa...

Aizawa: wait problem child, how is Izuku?

Katsuki: he is OK, and by the way he waked up..... (Avoid eye contact)

Aizawa: (somerhing is wrong with Bakugou) oh Ok that's good

Aizawa walked to bakugou and saw his blushing face (smirks) he whispered something in Katsuki's ear, and then he left.
Katsuki was shocked/blushing but in the same time he was happy for Izuku.
Then he went to his room.....

What Aizaw whispered to Katsuki :
I'm going to adopt problem child, so he is going to be my son in a short time, so don't you dare to hurt his feelings. got it?.......

Katsuki was siting on his bed and thought about all the thing that happened  between him and Izuku, he thought about this weird feelings that he have when he is near Izuku.
This feeling was new for him, he never felt this way  before, he felt like his head was heating up when he sees Izuku's smiling face, and there is this butterflies feeling in his stomach, it was weird.
What is this that's all what he was thinking about.
But it wasn't that hard to find out, because there is some thing named Google in his life. (thank you GOOGLE 😂👍)
He searched: Why do you get a feeling like butterfly in your stomach when you see someone?
The result where something like this: '' Often lovers feel this feeling'' or ''This happens in the body when you are in love''
(I really searched it on Google 😂)
Katsuki was shocked but in a blushing mess as well, he didn't know that he will have this kind of felling one day, and this feelings are for his childhood friend, that means that he is gay because of one boy......

💥Katsuki's POV:
WHATTTT, THATS NOT TRUE I'M NOT IN LOVE WITH DEKU...., I'M NOT EVEN GAY... I think.... But why not, the Nerd is after all very cute and beautiful and....... WHAT Ughh whatever I think I will give up I think I really like this nerd for real.....
Out of POV.

Time skip after 2 months (izuku is full cure now)

Izuku was sitting on the couch when he heard someone coming in the commen room (he was  sitting alone), he turned around to see Aizawa with some papers in his hands.....

Izuku: ohh hi Mr. Aizawa

Aizawa: Hello Problem child, ähm I have some papers for you 'hands him the papers....

Izuku grab the papers and began to read them, when he reads the Heading he gasped.
The heading: adoption Leaves...
Izuku looked at Aizawa and back to the papers, his eyes filled with tears he got up and Hugged Aizawa very tight.

Izuku: 'sob' thank you

Aizawa: yeah, no problem, problem child.......

In the time where Izuku was still in the hospital, Katsuki was always near him he came to visit every day, they became very good friend or more😏😏
Katsuki's and Izuku's feelings got bigger for eachother but no one will talk about this....
But now. Katsuki pulled himself together and He has the courage to tell Izuku about his feelings.

💥katsuki's POV : omg Im gonna to tell Izuku about my feelings today, Im nervous WHAT NO I'M KATSUKI BAKUGOU I'M GOING TO SHOW HIM WHO I'M........

Katsuki waited till the school ends and walks with Izuku to the dorms.

Katsuki: hey Nerd come to my room, when you finish dressing up OK?

Izuku: ähmm of course Kacchan

Katsuki waited for Izuku to come in his room, he took some nice clothes to wear, and got a lot of Perfume on it, he cleaned his room, so everything was perfect.
When Izuku got in.....

Izuku: 'knock' hey kacchan can I come in?

Katsuki: yeah come in Nerd

They went in and sat on the bed

Katsuki: ähmm Nerd  I mean Izuku I have to tell you something.....

Izuku: 'blushed because he called him by his first name' yeah you can tell me Kacchan.

Katsuki: 'take a deep breath' OK so I'm..... I'm s-sorry, yeah I'm sorry for every thing I have done to you in the past, I don't know what was going on in my head, I promise that I will be better......., can you forgive me??

Izuku: 'silence' ' realize what Katsuki just said and a tear rooled down his cheeks' omg Kacchan you apologized, I waited so much for this to happen.
Don't worry Kacchan I forgave you for a long time, I know you didn't mean it, don't think about it Kacchan, we are friend now right?

Katsuki: ähmmm yeah about that...., first thank you so much for forgiving me and about being friends ähmmm I have to tell you something about it, I-I, also me Bakugou Katsuki yeah, I like you Izuku...... No I love you I mean it I lo..........

Katsuki was Interrupt by Izuku pressing his lips against Katsuki's, Katsuki was shocked about the Reaktion of Izuku, he never thought that Izuku would react like that, but then he melted into the kiss and pite izukus lower lip.......
They kissed for some more sekunds but then they needed air to breath...
They looked at each other, they both where in a blushing mess, Izuku Stared at Katsuki and said:
I - I love you too Kacchan...
You are my first love and the last one i will love in this way............ 'smiles'
I hope you liked this story, I know it was a short end but I lost motivation to continue it so I decided to end it here, and I made it with a lot of fluff😍😍
But I have a new story, and that is 'expermented deku(fem)' look over maybe you will like it....
Sooo bye you all, love you 💕💕💕

1251 words

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