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Izuku faked his sleep till kacchan fall asleep, then he got up and went to the kitchen to get some water.
As he was finish he went back to his bed and sat down while hearing his favorite song ( Aurora RUNAWAY).

Izuku was very tired so he fall asleep while listing to musik, but after about 30 minutes, he had the same nightmare again, he was screaming, crying, sweating and moving a lot that wake up Bakugou.

🥦Izuku POV:
I saw my parents fade away as I scream their names then I fall in a dark hole.
I was very scared, I was screaming their names loud while sobbing (M-M-MMOOOOM, D-DAAAAD).

💥Bakugou POV:
I wake up and looked at the Nerd he was screaming and crying in his sleep, I rushed to the Nerd to wake him up, he was in such a pain, I wonder what happened in that nightmare.
As I touched him he waked up and screamed really loud while sobbing.
He looked at me then he hugged me?! That Nerd hugged me!

🥦Izuku POV:
As I woke up, I saw kacchan, I didn't think much I just hugged kacchan and cried, kacchan was warm, I cried till I clamed down, and then I realized what l was doing. So I let go of kacchan, and whipped my tears away and said s-sorry K-kacchan.

Bakugou: whatever Nerd, but what was that all about?
Izuku: sorry kacchan but I don't want to talk about it, it was just a nightmare.
Bakugou: whatever Nerd now go to sleep.
Izuku: it's Ok kacchan I can't sleep anymore, you can go to sleep now thanks.
Bakugou: whatever Nerd......
Izuku: sleep good kacchan
Bakugou: yeah, yeah Nerd.

🥦Izuku POV:
I signed as I went to the bathroom and washed my face and then got back to my bed and waited to the morning to come.

💥Bakugou Pov:
As I went to my bed, as I heard the Nerd sign and then went to the bathroom, I wonder what it was all about? Whatever WAIT I'M A ACTUALLY WORRIED FOR THIS NERD!! Aggghhh whatever I have to sleep.

No one POV:
Izuku went to the balcony and layed down on the floor staring at the stars.
He then remembered his parents, and then about his nightmares, he began to cry while looking at the stars then he begann to sing a song, the song was the one which his mom used to sing for him if he can't sleep.

🥦Izuku POV:
I looked at the sky and saw the beautiful stars, then I remembered the song that my mom used to sing for me, and began to sing it.

When he finished, he was sleepy. He slept on the floor with tears running down his cheeks but with a small smile.

Time Skip next morning

💥Bakugous POV
I woke up this morning, because my f*cking alarm won't stop Beeping.
Agggh I hate it.
I looked over to the Nerds bed to not see him there, so I thought he was already in the common room, I got up and went to the bathroom to fresh up.
When I finished I went to dress up when I suddenly heard some sniffing from the balcony, so I went their to see that Damn Nerd on the floor shivering.
What the f*ck!!
Oi Nerd get up now
There was no awnser, so I went to him, then I touched his arm to wake him up, but it was very cold like ice, I shaked him, and he finally wake up very up.

💥Finally Nerd
🥦H-Huh? Oh good morning kacchan
💥Yeah yeah Nerd, what where you doing here?
🥦Oh I must have fallen asleep. smiles nerously 'sneez' 'sniff'
💥Whatever nerd, get up now we have class in 10 minutes.
🥦Omg, 'sneez' I'm gonna be late, thanks for waking me up kacchan 'sniff'

🥦Izukus POV:
As I rushed to the bathroom, I could feel the pain in my head, it gets warmer I think I have a fever but it's not that bad I can handle it.
709 words

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