What Should I Do?

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🥦Izuku POV:
I wake up, it was a peaceful sleep, it was warm, then I felt someone's arm around me, I looked up to see kacchan, he was sleeping so peaceful, in his sleep he looks like when we were kids soo cute 'blushing'.
I got up and gave kacchan a kiss on his cheek, I realized then what I just did, and my head became sooo warm and my heart was beating very fast, what is wrong with me and what is this feeling?
After that I just went to shower.
Out of POV.

💥Katsuki POV:
I wake up to feel something missing, I looked around the room and realized that the nerd is missing, my eyes widen I got up very worried but then I heard the water from the bathroom, I sign and sat down on the couch and waited until the nerd gets out.
Time skip at school
💥 Katsuki POV :
The nerd had a fake smile on his face all the day, I wonder how no one notice that their is something different about that nerd.
I can't believe that my Auntie and Unkel are died, they were very nice and friendly, and the Nerd was sooo close to them, I can't imagine in how much pain that Nerd is, it must be very painful to lose all your family in the same time. And that Nerd is overworking himself with training and he can't sleep because of his nightmares, but yesterday he slept well when I was cuddli... I mean comforting him yeah comforting him.
he is still sick but he got better than yesterday, I have to do something, but what??
While I was thinking Sleepy head came in and then he begann to Teaching, it was bored as hell.
Out of POV.

Izuku and Katsuki are closer now, Izuku still has his nightmares, but Katsuki was always there to comfort him.
Izuku felt safe when Katsuki was with him, and the two of them do have feelings for each other but they didn't now what it's, I wonder what (😏).

Time skip after Katsuki was kidnapped by the LOV

🥦Izuku POV :
Kacchan got kidnapped because of me, he was near me and I couldn't help him, it's my fault, what a hero I'm I? when I can't help someone near me.
It's all my fault, I shouldn't talk to anyone, and no one has to be close to me, because they would go away if we are friends.
Out of POV.

All those thought were in Izukus head, he was blaming himself, because he couldn't safe his 'friend' Katsuki.
But then Momo came in his room,
Momo: ähmm hello Midoriya-Kun, I wanted to say that I have Receiver were I can see, were the LOV are and I think I can give you it because I think you can help Bakugou-kun to escape, and I will help you, but not alone their some more who will help you.

Come in.......

After she said that, Kirishima, Todoroki and Iida came in the room.

Izuku: omg I can help kacchan, of course I will do it

Kirishima: are you sure Midobro? Because you are the most injured person here.

Izuku: im fine don't worry. When are we going?

Momo: today at 8pm, by the Entrance door.

Everything was just like the Anime, but Instead of Kirishima, Izuku was the one who reached his arm for Katsuki of course (😌), after they got Katsuki out, Izuku smiled at Katsuki and rushed to the fight area where Allmight and All for one where fighting, Izuku went to help Allmight of course, because he couldn't see Allmight die, and because his power is now weak and the real power is with Izuku.
What would happen next?
That was Part 7 I hope you liked it
649 words

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