Part 4

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Minho's POV

"Hey handsome, I'm Nara. Would you come to my home tomorrow night?" Nara asked.

"Hey new boy, it's Rachel. Do you wanna dance with me?" Rachel asked.

"Girls, I'm not being rude but stay a little bit away from me" I said and they nodded.

Wow, I didn't knew that I will be this much popular from my first day.

The girls kept asking me, so I look away from them. Is that the girl Yujun? Wow! Her fashion is great though but she looks dizzy. She is dancing without knowing what's going on. Suddenly she looked at me. I looked away from her. Then she came near me.

"Y-you *hiccups* t-took all *hiccups* m-my appreciations *hiccups* f-from m-my tea-teachers *hiccups* You u-ugly d-donkey!!" She said while taking hiccups in the middle of her sentence.

"Ew.. Yujun, What happened to you?" Rachel asked.

"Yeah, you look like a fool. Go and get lost, we're talking to the new boy!" Nara said and tried to touch me But I didn't let her.

"I-I *hiccups* will *hiccups* k-kill you *hiccups*!!" Yujun said and she couldn't balance her body. She was falling until I saved her.

Nara and Rachel looked at me in disbelief and they both left.

I can hear Yujun sleeping. I looked around to find her friend she was always with. After a long time I saw her with her friends. I didn't knew her name so I called her "hey, Yujun's friend" something like that. Atleast she heard me. She came near me and saw Yujun sleeping on my shoulders.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER??!!!" She yelled at me.

"I didn't did anything to her. She was the one who came to me" I said.

"She smells like alcohol, did you made her drink alcohol?!! DON'T YOU KNOW SHE NEVER DRINKS ALCOHOL!!??" She said

"Why are you not understanding me? I didn't do anything to her? She was already drunken when she came to me" I said.

"Oh! Okay, but now let her rest at somewhere. She looks tired and sleepy" she said.

"Where? Where somewhere?" I asked.

"Anywhere! By the way, I am Yujun's bestie, Kang Seulgi" she said and left.

"WAIT!! SEULGI!! WHERE YUJUN WILL REST!! HEY! SEULGI!" I yelled but she didn't care and left. How annoying she is! How can she be a bestie!

Yujun was still sleeping on my shoulders. She looked uncomfortable, so I tried to move her a bit. She looked beautiful, I mean yeah her dressing sense is good but she really looked beautiful.

Now everyone was staring at us, I also felt uncomfortable. Then the boy who invited us came near me.

"Hey, new guy. What's your name?" He asked while holding his drink.

"I'm Lee Minho, are you the one who made Yujun drink?" I asked.

"Yup, I made her drink alcohol. She looked stressful, so that's why. I'm Choi Yeonjun" he said and smirked.


"Minho! Nothing's wrong with it! Our class's tough girl who don't fall for someone easily is sleeping on your shoulders! You have to be happy" he said.

"Ok now, I have to go there to meet my friends. So, bye and take care of her" he said and left.

I sighed and looked at her. I don't know what to do. I guess I have to take her home but I don't know her address.

I think I have to take her to my home. WHAT AM I THINKING!! I NOT GOING TO TAKE HER TO MY HOUSE!! But Seulgi said Yujun have to rest. OK then, I'll take her to my home. I sighed and carefully took her in bridal style. I only told Yeonjun about this thing.

I left the club and went to my car. I carefully open the car door and made her sit in the back seat. Then I sat on the driving seat and started driving.

While I was driving to my home, I looked at her with the help of the mirror. She was still sleeping. I smiled at her and continued driving.

After some time, I reached my home. I parked the car and got out of the car. I opened the back seat door and carefully made Yujun get out of the car. She falled on me like she was hugging me. Then I locked the car and took her to my home. I open the door and went to my room. Luckily no one was at home, I think mom and dad had gone to uncle's house with Sungho.

I let her sleep on my bed. Her dress also looked uncomfortable, I wanted someone to change her dress. I think Seulgi will help her, but I don't have her number. I was still thinking when someone called me. It was an unknown number, I picked the call. Coincidentally, it was Seulgi.

(On call)

"Hello is this Lee Minho's number?" Seulgi.

"Yes, how did you find my number?" Minho.

"I called Miss Park for your number and she gave me the number" Seulgi.

"Well, where is Yujun? Is she with you?" Seulgi.

"Yeah, she is. Please come to my home. And pick her up" Minho.

"Ok, give me your address" Seulgi.

I quickly gave her the address and ended the call.

She came to my home with a shirt and pants in her arms right on time. I showed her my room.

"Jun, WAKE UP! WE HAVE TO GO!" she said while trying to wake up Yujun.

"I guess she will not wake up" she said and sighed.

"So what will you do?" I asked her.

"I'll change her dress for now and think of an idea" she said and pushed me out of my room.

"DO IT FAST!" I said.

After few minutes she came to the living room and went straight to the door.

"Where are you going? Did you change her dress?" I asked while stoping her.

"Yup, it's done. I guess she will not wake up now, so you have to let her sleep in your room. Bye!" She said and left.


So annoying. I went to my room and saw Yujun sleeping peacefully with a oversized shirt and shorts. I am a nice boy so I will let her sleep in my room.

I went to my mom and dad's room and called them. They said they will spend the night in uncle's house. So I quickly changed my dress and slept in their room.

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