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Here are some 'Pagan-y Lingo' all clustered together. Not all these words are mentioned in this book, but will be helpful nevertheless.

Akasha: the fifth element, the omnipresent spiritual power that permeates the universe. It is the energy out of which the elements formed. A borrowing from Hinduism.

Amulet: a magically charged object that deflects specific, usually negative energies. Generally, a protective object.

Asperger: a bundle of fresh herbs or a perforated object used to sprinkle water during or preceding ritual, for purification purposes.

Athame: a Wiccan ritual knife. It usually has a double-edged blade and a black handle. The athame is used to direct personal power during ritual workings. It is not often used for actual, physical cutting (if ever). The term is of unknown origin, has many variant spellings among Wiccans, and an even greater variety of pronunciations. Most pronounce it: "ATH-ah-may," but there are some who pronounce it, "ah-THAW-may," or even "Ah-THAM-ee."

Balefire: a fire lit for magical purposes, usually outdoors. Balefires are traditional on Yule, Beltane, and Midsummer: Wiccan celebrations.

Bane: that which destroys life, which is poisonous, destructive, evil, dangerous.

Beltane: a Wiccan festival celebrated on April 30th or May 1st (traditions vary). Beltane is also known as May Eve, Roodmas, Walpurgis Night, Cethsamhain. Beltane celebrated the symbolic union, mating, or marriage of the Goddess and God, and links in with the approaching summer months.

Besom: broom used for ritual purposes

Bolline: the white-handled knife, used in magic and Wiccan ritual for practical purposes such as cutting herbs or piercing a pomegranate.

Book of Shadows: a Wiccan book of rituals, spells, and magical lore. Once hand copied upon initiation, the Book of Shadows is now photocopied or typed in some covens. No one true Book of Shadows exists; all are relevant to their respective users.

Censer: a heat-proof container in which incense is smoldered. An incense burner. It symbolizes the element of air.

Charge: to infuse an object with personal power. Charging is an act of magic.

Circle: known as the magic circle, the circle etc. A sphere constructed of personal power in which Wiccan rituals are usually enacted. The term refers to the circle that marks the sphere's penetration of the ground, for it extends both above and below it. It is created through visualization and magic.

Conscious Mind: also known as the psychic mind. The analytical, materially based, rational half of our consciousness. The mind at work when we compute our taxes, theorize, or struggle with ideas. 

Corn Dolly: a figure, often human-shaped, created by plaiting dried wheat or other grains. It represented the fertility of the earth and the Goddess in early European agricultural rituals and is still used in Wicca. Corn dollies aren't made from cobs or husks; corn originally referred to any grain other than maize and still does in many English-speaking countries.

Coven: a group of Wiccans, usually initiatory, and led by one or two leaders.

Craft: as in the craft. Also known as Witchcraft, Wicca, and Folk Magic.

Deosil: clockwise, the direction of the sun's apparent motion in the sky. In Northern hemisphere magic and religion, the deosil movement is symbolic of life, positive energies, the "good." It is much-used in spells and ritual. Some Wiccan groups in the Southern hemisphere have switched Deosil with Widdershins and vice-versa for needed purposes.

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