~Final authors note~

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Welcome to the end of Lost! I am very happy that you have read all of this even though you had to wait here and there for a few.... weeks...

I am really sorry for that! Lately, the school and everything has taken a lot of my time and I still had to think of where to go with this story! But it really means a lot to me that you were all so considerate and that you still are here, reading this note now!

This story means a lot to me even though it isn't perfect! This was the first story that I have written in english since my mother tongue is german and yeah, I know there are a lot of mistakes throughout these chapters! Thank you so much for your acceptance there!

However, I am planning on adding another book to this series, perhaps even make this a trilogy! The other two books are not going to be written in the perspective of George but in the 'all knowing' one (I don't know the english word for it hehe) just so you know :D It would my pleasure to welcome you back as soon as the next book gets published!

And now, thank you all again for having read this! I would love to know what you think now that you have finished this book! Please leave a comment, that would mean a lot to me! Also ideas for the next book(s) are always welcomed and if you have a wish or an idea for a oneshot feel free to share it with me! I am going to read all of your comments and I am going to reply to you all if thats okay!

Much love!

your _Mystery_Person_!

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