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One of my favorite days out of the year besides Thanksgiving...is Halloween...mainly because I miss how Kacchan's mom used to take him and I around to get candy and I would stay at his house and just enjoy myself without those people yelling and telling me to get rid of It.


I had Kacchan take me out this morning to buy a costume to wear for when I handed out candy to the children...he was hesitant at first because he's afraid of me having to get up every time someone rung the doorbell...I assured him that I will be just fine "How about you wait until I come home...that way I can help..." he suggested.

I thought for a few seconds before I agreed "Ok I'll be home by five pm...so all you'll have to do is put on your adorable outfit and put the candy inside of the bowls" I giggled and nodded as he put his hero suit on and grabbed his phone and keys "It's still early so why don't you rest for awhile and when you wake up I'll have Shitty hair decorate the porch...the brats will get a kick out of the scary shit I brought" he smirked as he helped me up off of the bed.

I stood up on my tippy toes while pulling him down a bit "Ok Alpha...just make sure you stay safe and be home on time...and don't forget-" he kissed me softly while rubbing his gloved hands on my ass as he buried his delicious tongue in my mouth...causing me to moan "Mhm...." he hummed before he pulled away "I'll make sure to stay safe and don't worry about that crazy bitch...she was transferred yesterday for going through my desk at work" he explained as he put his phone and wallet in his pocket.

I nodded and walked him to the living room...we went over my does and don'ts "Make sure to reset the alarm system when I leave out...and don't be up on your feet to long..." he pulled me close to him again but this time he didn't kiss me he placed my wrist against his cheek...causing me to scent him...I smiled and did the same before he opened the door and left.

I set the alarm and checked the locks on the door and windows before I waddled back to the room to lay back down.

~𝓣𝓲𝓶𝓮 𝓢𝓴𝓲𝓹 : 𝓕𝓲𝓿𝓮 𝓟𝓜~

When I pulled up to my and Izuku's home I noticed that Eijiro was still decorating the porch "Why are you still hanging this shit up? What time did you start?" I asked him as I tried to fix the stupid wolf ears on my head "Oh hey Bakubro...I got here an hour ago..Izuku wanted to help but I told him no...he's inside in the living room watching a movie" he explained as he finished hanging the fake spiders inside of the fake webs.

I nodded and walked inside finding my very pregnant omega trying to reach for something on one of the top shelf's in the kitchen "Izuku? Baby what are you doing?" I asked as I softly pushed him out of the way to grab whatever It was that he wanted "Thank you Kacchan I was watching a movie but then I started...craving" he stopped talking as his eyes landing on me "Craving what?" I asked as I opened the small can of spicy pickles he likes "I..uh..um..y-your look ho- I...I mean good K-Kacchan" he stuttered as his face turned a soft shade of pink.

I chuckled and handed him his pickles and kissed his lips before I went back outside to help Kirishima with the decorations...by Five-thirty pm we were done and I managed to get him to wear a costume as well "Come on Kat...why do I have to wear this...I mean It's not even scary" he whined as he stepped out of the bathroom in a Jack-o lantern costume "It may not be scary to you but those brats will definitely be afraid" I laughed as he tried to adjust the huge pumpkin on his head.

Izuku stepped out of our room looking like the cutest ghost I have ever seen in my life...he must have showered and conditioned his soft hair before getting dressed because the tiny hat sat perfectly on top of his head "Kacchan? I feel huge in this...maybe I should just change" he whimpered as he rubbed his beautiful belly.

I stood behind him and planted my hands on his waist "You look beautiful baby...the costume is fine on you...and we have one more month before It'll all be over" I said as I kissed his cheek and led him out the door so he can take a seat on the porch.


Shortly after we stepped out on the porch kids began to roam the sidewalks with their friends and parents...going from house to house gather candy "Oh look Kacchan...that little girl is dressed as you" Izuku chirped as a small girl with brown bouncy curls walked up towards our house with her parents close behind her.

She was a bit hesitant at first when she noticed Kirishima "T-trick o-or treat" she said in a small voice causing Izuku to giggle and lower the bowl he was holding...when she looked at me and Kirishima she seemed to whine a bit "Don't worry kid...that's just a stupid pumpkin helmet on his head...underneath It is a cool hero" her eyes lit up and she looked at Eijiro.

I nodded letting him know to show her his face...he pulled the huge pumpkin off of his head and gave her a wide sharky smile...the small girl smiled and made her way over to him for a hug...he kneeled down and hugged her before she pulled a bag of popcorn from his bowl and put It inside of her gauntlet candy bucket.

She looked at me and tilted her head "I guess I can show you who I am" I said as I put my bowl on the floor..she smiled and nodded happily...I held my hands out Infront of me before kneeling down to her height...I began to heat up my palms until very tiny explosions began dancing in my hands "OH MY GOD MOMMA LOOK... IT'S GROUND ZERO" she laughed and jumped up and down beside her parents so I decided to make the explosions a bit bigger.


After all that happened Shitty hair and I both signed her Halloween hero costume before she took her leave "That's what It's all about bro...making sure the citizens feel safe and at ease" he says as more kids began to pile around us for candy and whatever else we had until It was gone.


Halfway through the evening I notice how Izuku kept yawning and rubbing his belly "It's almost Eight pm...and I don't see anymore kids out...how about you go ahead and side and lay down while we clear this stuff up" I said as I took his bowl and help him up and inside "Ok...I'll relax in the chair and watch TV" he says while he pulls the ghost costume off revealing his curves underneath the thin t-shirt and leggings he was wearing.



His Omega ~BUNNY~Where stories live. Discover now