Page Sixty-Nine :

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Four and a half days later...My heat had finally head is a bit hazy but I can remember small clips of what happened...Kacchan said he had my folks pick Rory up a few days ago...and they're going to drop him off later this afternoon "My body is sore Kacchan..." I whispered to my lover as he finished folding our now clean laundry.

Four days of non-stop fucking is definitely draining...I haven't been able to move around body's aching thanks to a certain someone...thinking he can bend my body like a damn pretzel "Just relax babe...I already did everything around the house and Rory won't be home until later" Kacchan says.

I groan while trying to sit up but even that seemed to difficult "What if I can't take care of the baby...or what if-" I was cut off by Kacchan planting a soft and gentle kiss on my lips "Stop stressing Izu...if you can't then I'll just call the agency and let them know that I'll have to take some time off until your feeling better" I smiled at him while running my fingers through his soft spiky hair.


A few hours later I was sitting in Kacchan's recliner chair with a cup of hot tea and waiting for my bean to come home "Shouta said he fussed the whole time he was there...the only time he would calm down was if he walked around the house with him" I shook my head and chuckled "You spoiled him I'll have to get him used to being held while sitting" I explained as I flipped through Netflix.


Forty-five minutes to five pm I heard the door bell ring...I went to stand up and was stopped "I got It baby...just relax" Kacchan said as his figure disappeared from the living room.

A second later I heard voices nearing before my eyes landed on my parents who were smirking at me "How you feeling kid?...why don't you come and give ya old man a hug" papa chuckled while tapping my father's shoulder.

I whined before standing with little strength I had "Izu sweetheart sit down...he's just messing with you...I know how It feels so just relax" papa came and helped me sit back down before lifting a sleeping Rory from his car seat.

I smiled once he was cradled in my arms again "~I missed you little bean...I'm so happy to have you back in my arms...~" I couldn't help my rubbed my nose over his adorable cheeks before scenting him.


Kacchan asked papa and dad to stay for dinner...he said It's the least he could do since he asked them to babysit while helping me through my heat.

They accepted but also asked if It was ok to crash here tonight and leave in the morning "Of course...your more then welcome to stay...I'll go get the guess room ready" Kacchan said before disappearing again.


Shortly after Kacchan went to get things settled for my folks Rory began to stir "Uh oh...he's awake..." Papa said as he came and sat beside me...I unzipped his cute little Red Riot themed sleeper "He has some powerful lungs Izu...and his temper is just's" Dad said while sipping his coffee...I shook my head and giggled.

Rory slowly started to stretch his arms and legs while releasing a cute pouty yawn...he brought his arms in front of his face to block out the light as his tiny legs scrunched up against his belly "Guest rooms all set...if you guys want to you can get settled before dinners ready" Kacchan said before he came over and scooped Rory from my arms.

I laughed and sat back before propping my feet up "Happy to have your mini-me back huh?" I asked as I heard my bean fuss at his father "He's trying to bite off his mittens again...Its alright little man...daddy's got cha" he crooned while scenting Rory to help calm him down.


Dad came back to the living room with a flushed face "You ok? You look a bit flustered..." I smirked while trying to hold in a laugh...he groaned and picked up his mug "Zashi...I don't know what to do with him..." he said right before the topic of discussion walks into the room with a huge grin on his face...he came and sat near me "Your father's going to bottom when we get home" he whispered to me just as Kacchan said dinner was ready and Rory cooed right after.



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