Bonus : The Wedding Reception

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After all of the congratulations and praises from family and friends everyone managed to make It to the restaurant Izuku booked for the Reception.

Him and Katsuki have been split up for the passed thirty minutes...Shouta and Hizashi had him on one side of the restaurant conversing with people he's never seen before...while Katsuki's parents had him on the other side doing the same thing.

Rory was busy chewing on his father's hair while he sat securely on Katsuki's shoulders...until he spotted a turf of green curls...he immediately began to pull Katsuki's hair and fuss.

Katsuki looked up at his pup and followed his line of sight until he saw his beautiful emerald eye husband leaning back laughing at something his parents told him...He had changed out of his wedding dress and was now in a white tux.

Katsuki told his parents that he was gonna chase down his husband and that he would talk to them later "Alright to you later" his mother said as he stepped away from them and made his way across the room.


Once he made It to Izuku he pulled Rory down from his shoulders and tapped his husbands arm "Hey baby...what are my two favorite guys doing?" Izuku asked as he scooped Rory into his arms "I'm ready to get this over we can move straight for the honeymoon" Katsuki explained as he pulled his husbands back to his chest.

Izuku blushed and shook his head "Don't worry Kacchan...the reception will only be a couple of hours and then we can get going" Katsuki groaned as he nodded his head...he moved his family over to their table so they can sit down.

After everyone was seated and had been fed It was time for the best men to say a toast...Kirishima stood up and straighten his suit before he picked up his mic...when he was finished with his speech he said his congratulations and took his seat next to his girlfriend.

Next It was Vincent's turn...he was of course overly sensitive and dramatic while talking about how his and Izuku's lives change the moment they met...he went on while crying until Mina took his mic from him and made him sit down.

Izuku had a few stray tears running down his cheeks while listening to everyone and by the time all the speeches were done there wasn't a dry eye in the restaurant.


Next was the father - son dance...Izuku handed Rory over to his husband before standing up and taking Shouta's hand "Dad...I didn't know you could dance..." Izuku said before they made It to the middle of the small dance floor "Zashi made me take up lessons...he said they'll come in handy..." Izuku smiled and nodded once they began to sway.

Soon everyone joined Izuku and Shouta...Katsuki stepped beside his husband and Father N Law with Rory standing on the top of his shoes "I'll need to take some pointers from you Shouta...for when my boy gets married" Izuku laughed and shook his head before Shouta let him loose and picked Rory up "Perhaps you should practice with my son first...isn't that right kiddo..." Katsuki nodded and pulled Izuku into his arms...they swayed with each other for the the next two songs.


Two hours of dancing...eating an laughing with their loved ones had Izuku and Katsuki spent...the newlyweds were worn out "Hey kids We're gonna head out...we have everything at the house already so Rory will have everything he needs" Hizashi said as he pulled Rory's coat over his arms and zipped It up.

Both grooms said their ok's and their 'good byes' before they began to gather there own things...Mina and Vincent told them to go ahead and that they would clean up for them "Thanks Mimi and Vinny...we really appreciate It...right Kacchan?" Katsuki nodded with his nose buried in Izuku's scent glands.

Their friends waved them off as they moved to exit the restaurant conversing with the people whom their families invited...once they made It to Katsuki's truck he helped Izuku into the passenger side before climbing into the driver seat.

They waved as Katsuki started the car and backed out of the parking lot...he honked the horn once then drove pass the restaurant and out towards the street.



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