Chapter three: Leaving Posada

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"Hey Lance, any new silver swords in?"

I ask the blacksmith's apprentice as I walk up, Lance giving me a small smile, wiping his hands off on his apron.

"I saved the best one for you (Y/N). What are you hunting for this time?"

Lance asks me as he opens a chest, pulling out a silver longsword and handing it to me as I check the balance, giving the blade a few swings with a smile.

"Such a sweetheart you are Lance, worried about little old me?"

Lance gives me a look and I laugh, checking the tang of the blade to decide if it would work.

"Oh haha (Y/N). What are you hunting for?"

Lance asks as I give the blade a few swings, testing how the weight felt in my hands.

"Heard rumors about a devil around the area, thought I'd check it out."

Running my thumb along the blade I check my thumb, only a few layers of skin broken.

"Blades a little dull from travel, could you sharpen it really fast for me while I pay your boss?"

Lance nods, taking the blade from me and I head over to the blacksmith and hand him the money for the sword, hearing hooves coming closer to the shop and I turn my head to see Geralt again. He takes a quick look around quietly before walking over to me and the blacksmith James.

"Do you have any lead arrows?"

Geralt asks James and he nods, moving behind the counter where he keeps his other items and Lance comes over to me, handing me the now sharpened sword.

"Here you go (Y/N). Be sure to tell me about your adventure this time, okay?"

Lance says, patting my arm and I give him a smile, not noticing the glare Geralt sent my way.

"Oh don't worry, you'll be the first to hear about the devil of Posada, alright? Have a good day."

I head out, ignoring Geralt's eyes on my back as I leave, noticing his horse and I smile, walking over to her. Geralt wouldn't mind me giving her some pets right? I gently place a hand on her head, stroking her nose as she nuzzles into my hand and I smile.

"Don't touch Roach."

Geralt says behind me and I jump back, letting my hand fall to my side.

"S-sorry, she's just so beautiful. I couldn't resist giving her some pets."

Geralt huffs, taking the reins off the post he tied them too and motions for me to follow him and I oblige, walking next to him.

"You get paid by that boy too?"

Geralt asks me and I shake my head.

"I don't accept payment for killing monsters in Posada. These people are my friends and I just want to keep them safe."

I say, noticing my brother with his lute at the entrance of town. Oh boy.

"Well thats a little stupid."

Geralt says and I roll my eyes at him, earning a smirk.

"I take money to kill other monsters, just not here. Why, you need some help with this devil?"

I ask him, and he shakes his head.

"I wouldn't say I need help. You just know the area, I don't."

I smile to myself and nod, resting my hand on my new sword hilt.

"I guess I could help you with the terrain. If you let me give Roach pets from time to time."

Geralt raises his eyebrow at my smiling face before rolling his eyes, giving me the reins and I smile, taking them and I lead Roach through the city gate, petting her side as we walk.

"She really is a beautiful horse."

I mumbled, Geralt giving me a look, but I couldn't tell what he meant by it as I ran my hand along her neck.

"Hey, wait up you two! Need an extra hand or two?"

My brother says as he runs up next to us and Geralt glares at him.

"Humor him for me. I'll make sure he doesn't get hurt."

I whisper to Geralt and he sighs, slowing down so Jaskier could catch up.

"Look I heard your note, and yes you're right, maybe real adventures would make better stories. And you sir smell chock full of them."

Jaskier says, pointing to Geralt as I raise my eyebrow at him, wondering where he was going with this.

"Amongst other things, I mean what is that onion? It doesn't matter. Whatever it is, you smell of death and destiny. Heroics and heartbreak."

I stifle a laugh behind my hand at Jaskier's comment and Geralt gives me a soft glare before turning it to Jaskier.

"It's rude to point that out brother dear."

I say, Geralt still glaring at Jaskeir and he gives me a nervous look.

"Oh, I could be your barker! Spreading tales of Geralt of Rivia, the butcher of Blaviken!"

Geralt stops and I stop with him shooting my brother a glare.

"Come here."

Geralt says lowly and Jaskeir walks over to him to be punched hard in the gut and I laugh, Jaskeir falling to his knees in pain as he lets out a groan.

"Oh, okay, don't say that, got it Geralt."

Jaskeir says and I keep laughing at my brother's pained face, Geralt looking at me with a soft smile before scowling again as I give him the reins to Roach before walking over to my brother and helping him up.

"Well I'm glad my misery made you laugh again dear sister."

Jaskeir says holding his stomach where Geralt punched him and I pat him on the back.

"You kind of deserved that, Jaskier."

I say to him quietly, heading back to Geralt's side after helping Jaskeir dust himself off.

"Sorry about that Geralt. He tends to talk too fast for his brain to catch up."

I apologize for my brother, knowing he won't as his pride forbids it.

"At least you know when to be quiet. Otherwise this trip would be painful."

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