Chapter fourteen: He's Injured

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It was nearly dawn and Geralt still hadn't returned, and it made me nervous beyond belief. It shouldn't have been taking him this long, a horrible feeling starting to work its way into my chest. I'd been pacing back and forth in Triss's potion room since Geralt had left and she was beginning to worry about me.

"(Y/N), come here."

Triss says and I sigh, walking over to her at her table and she takes my hands in hers, giving them a squeeze.

"He's a witcher. He'll be fine, he's faced this monster before."

Triss says in a reassuring voice and I sigh, trying to shake off the horrible feeling in my chest when I hear a loud screech, my head turning to the window immediately and Triss looks at me in concern.

"Did you hear that?!"

I ask her worriedly and she shakes her head and I let go of her hands, grabbing my sword and putting on my light armor in a rush.

"(Y/N), wait, Geralt told you to wait for him!"

Triss says, trying to grab my arm to stop me but I side step her, strapping my blade to my belt and rushing out of the room, running as fast as my feet would carry me. Something told me Geralt was in trouble, and I trusted that feeling, glancing out the window as the sun began to rise. Throwing open the castle doors I sprint out, heading to the crypt as I hear the rooster start to crow and as I try to enter the crypt I slow down, feeling the presence of magic and I run my hand over the entrance as a barrier spell lights up and I hear stone scrapping open and I draw my sword as the spell goes down. Entering the room silently I see a small girl covered in a black substance crying against a sidewall and I see Geralt on the floor bloody and barely conscious and I run over to him, setting my sword down and looking over his wounds, a large gash on his side bleeding profusely and I put my hands on it, applying pressure to try to stop the blood as Geralt groans in pain, his breathing shallow.


I hear Triss yell behind me with multiple footsteps following hers and she runs over to me while the guards take care of the young girl and her face goes white at the sight of the blood.

"We need to get him to your room, Triss, he's hurt badly."

I tell her and she nods, motioning for some of the guards to lift him up and take him there, Triss grabbing my arm and heading there with me, my hands shaking slightly as I try to calm my nerves, my breathing irregular as I take shallow breaths in panic.

"Set him down on the bed, we'll take care of the rest."

Triss commands and the soldiers follow, laying Geralt down on the bed as she starts grabbing herbs and bandages while I start taking off his armor carefully, setting it aside as Triss hands me a damp cloth and I start cleaning his wounds, frowning at how much blood there was. Triss begins mixing together some of the herbs and applying them to the now clean wounds and I help her, wrapping Geralt's chest in bandages tightly so they wouldn't bleed anymore.

"Your medical skills have improved."

Triss tells me quietly as I tie off the bandages slowly, a small smile tugging at my lips at her complement before frowning again.

"You taught me everything I know."

I say as I stand up, heading to the table and grabbing a few bottles of medicine, looking them over before grabbing a bowl and mixing some of the liquids with herbs, creating a paste and Triss grabs my wrist gently, taking my hands away from the bowl and pulling me aside as she grabs some water.

"Your hands are covered in blood."

Triss says and she holds my hands over another large bowl, pouring water over them and gently scrubbing them clean as I stare blankly at the water as it turns red.

"He'll be fine now, we got to him in time. Thanks to your senses at least."

Triss says with a smile, drying off my hands with a cloth and I nod, letting myself breathe normally as I take a deep breath in.


I hear Geralt call my name and I walk over to the bed, sitting in the chair beside it and taking his hand in mine. He was still fast asleep but breathing normally and I let out a sigh in relief, placing a gentle kiss on his forehead as Triss walked over to me.

"You should rest (Y/N). You've been up all night worrying."

Triss says behind me as she places a hand on my back and she starts to rub small circles along my spine in comfort.

"I will in a bit. I want to make sure his wounds stop bleeding before I do."

I tell Triss and she squeezes my shoulder gently in comfort, taking a seat next to me and I lean my head against her shoulder.

"I should have gone with him. He wouldn't be this badly hurt then."

I mumble, and Triss frowns, wrapping her arm around my waist gently.

"No. It would have been both of you on my beds instead of one. You're a good fighter, don't get me wrong, but you were more needed as a healer this time."

Triss says and I chuckle sadly, agreeing with her this once and she squeezes my waist one last time before taking my hand out of Geralts.

"He is fine. Sleep my dear, I'll watch over him for you."

Triss says as I look back at Geralt with a slightly worried expression, feeling a slight tingle in the tips of my fingers. Maybe I could try that healing spell he showed me?

"Could you get me some water Triss? I'm a little thirsty."

I ask her and she nods, leaving the room and I raise my hand, placing it over Geralt's forehead, hesitating slightly before sighing, focusing as my eyes flash blue. Speaking a healing spell in Eldar I notice the brusies start to lighten and his skin gets some color back to it and I smile softly at him. Triss comes back in to the room, handing me a cup of water, and I chug it quickly.

"Thanks Triss. I'll rest now."

I say quietly and get up, Triss walking me to her bedroom and letting me inside.

"You can sleep in my room for now, I'll watch over Geralt's wounds."

Triss says and I sigh, sitting down on the bed as she starts to close the door.


I hear Triss say as I lay on my side, yawning slightly as I close my eyes, sleep calling to me and I obey its whispers.

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