Chapter twenty-one: A relaxing bath

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Forewarning lovelies, as this is a reader x geralt fic I will be focusing on the romance between you too, so our lovely Yennefer will probs not have much to do with him in my story. (Low key cause I love her as much as Geralt cause my little bi heart can't take how good looking those two are ❤) anyways I'll instead take a friend's advice and focus on a relationship building between you and Yennefer and we'll see how that road takes us, I'm glad with the pacing that part is taking this chapter. Leave me a comment if you think I should continue down this path with you and Yennefer! Onto the chapter!

I pace around the kitchen with worry, Geralt watching as I do so, before grabbing my arm to stop me and I look at him.


Geralt says and I move his hand off my arm and he frowns, noticing my bruised and bloody knuckles and he grabs my hands and I wince.

"What happened (Y/N)?"

Geralt says concerned and I sigh, knowing he's not going to let me go.

"I boxed a tree."

I say bluntly and he frowns, looking into my eyes.

"It's because I yelled at you."

Geralt says sadly and I huff, wanting to stay mad at him but my heart was telling me to forgive him.

"No, I did it because I could. It wasn't just cause you yelled at me, it was also because of how cold you've been acting lately. I wish you would have told me about your insomnia, I could have helped you Geralt. And I'll admit it hurt me when you wouldn't talk to me this past while. Believe it or not but I enjoy your gruff responses."

I tell him and he smiles softly before letting go of my hands and instead grabbing my waist and pulling me to him and my heart pounds in my chest as he leans down to my ear.

"You could always get a different response from me."

Geralt whispers to me and I blush, putting my hands on his chest and pushing him slightly away from me with a smirk.

"Not right now Geralt. We need to wait for Yennefer to heal my brother. And then, maybe."

I tell him and he nods, taking one of my hands and placing a kiss to the bruised skin and I smile at him.

"Im sorry for how I've been acting lately (Y/N). So am I forgiven for yelling at you earlier?"

Geralt asks and I roll my eyes, nodding as I stand on my tiptoes to kiss his cheek.


I hear heels clicking against the stone and Geralt let's me go as Yennefer comes in and looks between us before turning her gaze to me with a smile.

"I have him under a healing sleep. With some time he will heal."

She says and I let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank you. What can I do to repay you, I'll give you anything."

I say before Geralt has a chance to stop me and she smirks at me, placing a dress down on the table.

"Join me for a while, you look like you could use a bath to ease your nerves my dear."

She says, Geralt frowning slightly and I glance at him before turning back to Yennefer.

"And what about Geralt?"

I ask her and she laughs, walking over and taking my hand and pulling me away from Geralt.

"Oh he'll be fine my dear. I'm sure the witcher can entertain himself for a while."

She glances at him before taking the dress from the table and leading me up the stairs and I turn to look at Geralt quickly before she leads me into the master bedroom, and into the master bath and I'm confronted with the smell of lilac.

"Go on dear, get undressed and get in while I grab some oils for you."

She whispers into my ear as she drags her hand down my back and I shudder under her touch as her hand leaves my back and I hear the door open and close behind me and I start undressing, setting my clothes into a neat pile on the floor before sitting on the edge of the bath, sliding my feet in before sinking into the warm water with a sigh. Hearing the door open again I turn around and see her holding a bottle in her hands and I cover myself with my arms as she looks at me with a smile.

"Oh come on, no need to be shy. We're both women."

She says and I relax, moving my arms as she pours the contents of the bottle into the water and the scent of lavender fills my nose and I let out a relaxed sigh.

"I take it you like the smell of lavender?"

Yennefer asks me and I smile with a nod as she takes off her cover and joins me in the bath.

"It was my mother's favorite scent. Lavender and lilac. I remember the house always smelled of it when my brother and I were younger."

I say with a sad smile and she notices the sadness in my voice and she turns to me.

"Turn around my dear, I'll wash your back."

She says and I comply, feeling a soft sponge run along my skin as she gently rubs the scarred flesh.

"Are you a warrior like that witcher?"

She asks me after a few moments of silence and I nod, reaching behind me and taking the sponge from her gently, motioning for her to turn and she obliges, turning around and I gently wash her skin.

"Speaking of that witcher, what is he to you? When I came down you seemed to be pretty close."

Yennefer asks me and I feel my cheeks go red and I sigh.

"We've kissed, had one night together and we flirt constantly. But I was hurt in the past by someone, so I think he wishes to take things slow."

I say, absentmindedly rubbing the scar along my stomach and Yennefer notices and she frowns.

"How could anyone hurt such a beautiful and sweet little bird like yourself?"

She says as she turns around, grabbing my hand gently and I smile softly at her and she looks at my knuckles with a frown.

"Such pretty skin shouldn't be bruised."

She says as she takes my hands in hers, placing a soft kiss against both and my bruises heal.

"You're very kind, Yennefer. Thank you for everything."

I tell her before letting go of her hand and getting out of the tub, looking for my clothes but finding the dress she had earlier and I give her a look before putting it on as she gets out and puts her cover back on as she pulls me to the full length mirror in the room with a smile as she shows me what I look like, pinning my hair up in a loose bun like hers. The red dress she picked out hugged loosely at my shoulders, flowing down my chest with a plunging neckline and it hugged my curves, the fabric soft against my skin. I looked beautiful. Yennefer runs her hands on my shoulders gently before leading me out of the bathroom and I see Jaksier on the bed sleeping peacefully.

"Don't worry my dear. He will be just fine when he wakes. Now you need sleep as well."

Yennefer says behind me and I feel magic dripping from her words as she mumbles a spell, feeling her arms start wrapping around my waist and my head goes foggy.

"What are you-"

I try to say as my eyes droop, sleep calling to me as I stumble, Yennefer catching me and laying me down on the bed next to Jaskier.

"Shhh. Sleep, and when you wake your brother will be healed."

She whispers in my ear and my eyes flutter closed, a deep and dreamless sleep engulfing my mind. 

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