Chapter seven: Bandit Attack

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So I'm giving you lovelies a horse! You can always change the name and change how it looks but for the sake of writing purposes I'm just going to name and describe one for you! Hope you enjoy lovelies!

"Jaskier, take care of yourself for me okay? I'll see you around."

I give my brother a tight hug, Geralt getting Roach ready for the trip and Jaskier sighs letting me go and holding my hands.

"I will be just fine. You take care of yourself and that witcher over there huh. Besides, I have a parting gift for you."

Jaskier says with a smile, letting go of my hands and leaving, bringing back a beautiful black mare, a white star on the center of her head and I smile brightly, taking the reins from him and stroking the mare's head.

"That's a fine horse. What's its name?"

Geralt asks from behind me and I look to Jaskier for the name as well.

"I left it up to you dear sister. I know you've been looking to buy a horse of your own to make your journeys easier."

I smile, the mare nuzzling into my hand as I continue to pet her, a name coming to my head.

"Her name is Nareas."

I tell Geralt and he smiles slightly before getting onto Roach, and I do the same for Nareas.

"Keep her safe Geralt or I'll have your balls!"

Jaskier calls to us as we start riding out of the city and I laugh, Geralt tossing me a look.

"He's protective, isn't he?"

Geralt asks and I nod, giving him a smile.

"Only because I'm traveling with you."

I say softly, Geralt chuckling lightly at me before focusing on the road ahead.

"So, oh great witcher, where is our next adventure?"

I ask him and he looks back at me for a moment before turning back around.

"Termina. It's in the north. It will be cold when we get there so we'll stop in town when we get there to get you some winter clothes."

Geralt says in a bored tone and I nod, going silent for the rest of our journey, nightfall approaching when we stop in some woods to make camp.

"I'll go get some fresh water from that stream I saw a while back."

Geralt says and I hum in acknowledgement, grabbing the tents from the horses and beginning to set them up. Hearing his footsteps trail off I let out a sigh, a soft smile dawning on my face. I walk over to Nareas and hug her neck, petting Roach for a moment.

"He's not very chatty, is he girls?"

I say out loud, Roach making a soft neigh in response and Nareas almost seems to shake her head in agreement. With a soft chuckle I grab some feed from my bag and start to feed them both when I hear footsteps start approaching and I turn around with a smile expecting Geralt but it falls when I see a group of men approaching.

"Look at this boys, we caught a beauty in our trap."

One of the men says, apparently the leader and I place my hand on my sword hilt in a threatening manner.

"Step away."

I say in a dark tone, drawing my blade and the leader lets out a laugh, his men following suit as they draw their own swords.

"She wants a fight gents! Shall we give her one?!"

One of the men approached me and attacked, swinging his sword and I easily blocked the strike, pushing him back with one of my own before cutting him down. Two more come after me and I swing my blade in a wide ark, giving myself space before striking one down, the other slicing my right arm open and I glare at him, stabbing my sword through his stomach before quickly pulling it out as he slumps to the forest floor.

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