Chapter twenty-six: His treasure.

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So lovelies chapters might be posted a little later than normal, my work is really picking up and I'm starting to work really late nights ugh. But anyways, hope you enjoy this chapter!

"Are you seriously going to eat that?"

I ask Eyck as he cooks the hirikka meat over the flame and I cringe at the smell, taking a seat next to Geralt and my brother as he stabs the meat with his knife and eating a hunk.

"A good knight never wastes a kill."

Eyck says, clearing his throat as I hand Geralt some water and he takes it gladly, sipping it as Jaskier starts writing in the notepad he brought.

"It's precisely why I'll make a great lord to Neidamir's vassal state. A great knight must lead by example. For-"

Eyck continues on before Téa interrupts him with a bored expression.

"Kingdom and glory, we know."

She says and everyone chuckles at her statement before Eyck continues.

"My subjects will be the luckiest serfs in all the lands. Especially with the beautiful Yennefer as my mage."

He says, giving Yennefer a kind look and I glance at her as she smiles at him in return.

"I can't wait to serve you my lord."

She says and I roll my eyes, Geralt giving me a look and I watch the leader of the reavers named Boholt come into our group, leaning down and picking off a piece of the meat cooking on the fire.

"How would you like to serve me tonight witch? Your little girlfriend can join us too."

He says as he looks between me and Yennefer and Geralt glares at the man as I set my jaw in anger, clenching my fists.

"Careful Boholt."

Geralt says in a warning tone and Boholt chuckles, looking at Yennefer and I again.

"So the witcher wants to play knight then too hmm?"

Boholt questions and Geralt chuckles darkly.

"No, they're plenty capable of murdering you theirselves."

Geralt says looking at me and I give him a small smile in gratitude as Boholt laughs.

"What's so funny you overgrown cockhair?"

Yarpen says and Boholt looks at everyone with a sinister look.

"I'm just wondering who I'll kill first. The monster, or the monster hunters."

Boholt says before tossing the bone he was picking at and leaving and Eyck excuses himself to use the bathroom and I roll my eyes at him as he scurries away.

"So, should we tell him that he's vying for a vassal sate that won't exist in a decade?"

Yarpen says and I roll my eyes at him, taking a stick from the ground and poking the fire aimlessly.

"States rise and fall like the tide. It's nothing new."

Geralt says and Yarpen scoffs.

"This is fucking new. The rightful son of Nilfgaard has returned, burning through the south."

Yarpen says and Yennefer rolls her eyes.

"With Fringilla as his mage? Nilfgaard is a joke."

She says with a slight chuckle and Yarpen shakes his head in disagreement.

"I saw it myself down in Ebbing. Those zealot freaks are inching closer by the day. Won't be long till they try and take Sodden. Next it'll be Temeria, Redania, Cintra."

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