Chapter thirty-one: The hide out

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"Geralt, we need a plan."

I say worriedly, rushing after Geralt as we come upon what seemed to be an old military fortress, Jaskier staying behind with the horses a little ways back.

"I have a plan. I'm going to run my blade through that fucker."

Geralt growls out as he looks over the towers, searching for scouts and I grab his arm roughly, making him look at me.

"Listen to me Geralt. Markus isn't someone to be triffiled with. I made that mistake once, and look where it got me. I need to know you will be able to put aside your anger and fight with a clear head so you won't be hurt."

I say quietly, gripping Geralt's arm tightly. With a heavy sigh Geralt looks at me, his eyes holding a mix of emotions, anger being the main one.

"Fine. My plan is to take out the scouts on the towers so they can't raise the alarm. Use your bow, you're a better shot."

Geralt says and I sigh, moving my short bow out from my pack and I nock an arrow, aiming at the watch towers, following the silhouette of the guards before releasing the arrow, hearing a groan and the thud of bodies hitting stone.

"Done, let's head inside."

I say quietly and Geralt leads me to the door, sword drawn and I sling my bow across my back, drawing my own blade. Throwing open the heavy door Geralt rushes inside, quickly striking down the two guards that were caught by surprise and I grab the third, holding my blade to his throat.

"Take us to Markus. Now."

I say quietly, malice lacing my words and the guard, a boy no more than fifteen, quickly nods. Standing he leads us through the maze of corridors, my sword at his back the entire time. As we come on a large door my hands begin shaking, anger and panic clouding my mind.

"He's behind here, just don't hurt me."

The boy says and I motion for him to sit, tying his hands behind his back and sitting him against the wall with shaking hands and Geralt notices my nervous nature.

"Hey, will you be okay to do this? I can handle this myself if you want, you've done enough."

Geralt asks me and I sigh softly, gripping my blade's hilt with white knuckles, letting the panic leave my body with my breath. Turning to Geralt I nod, determined to finish what Markus started.

"Let's go."

I say and Geralt nods, kicking open the heavy oak doors and taking out two of the guards, my body filling with anger as I see Markus turn to the sound of fighting, one of his lackies attacking me and I swing my blade, lodging it in the man's neck before pulling it out as his dead body crumples to the floor.

"(Y/N)? How did you find me?"

Markus asks as I stride over to him, cutting down the next guard that tried to get in my way, as Geralt comes up behind him, slamming him to the ground and he grips his neck, noticing the scar from the cut I gave him across his face, one of his eyes having gone blind.

"Shut up. You don't get to speak to her."

Geralt says, venom dripping from his voice as I finish off the last guard, pulling my blade from the man's stomach as I walk over to Markus with a menacing glare.

"You knew this day was coming Markus. You should've known I'd find you eventually. Now, its time for you to greet the gods."

I say as I walk over to him, getting ready to plunge my sword into his body, noticing the resigned look on his face as the blade nears his heart.

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