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That was the last day I stepped into school , neither was I able to go back nor go anywhere without having a panick attack. So my parents at once gave up on my studies and just kept me at home without complaining.

Every function they attended they would come back sadly from all the hurtful words our family members would throw on them. As time passed they got used to it but then every groom they selected for me rejected me. At once they stopped searching groom for me until today......

"He has already accepted for the marriage ma. He has a stable job and his family is a very nice and prestigious family. The guy looks smart too , so what do you say ? Are you ok with the marriage ?" Appa asks looking up at me.

I bend my head and close my eyes getting ready to announce a yes , not wanting to pain my parents more with my presence in their house. I know only if I get married my Anna Arun will get married so I don't want to be a barrier.

"If you are ok with it then I am ok with it too pa" I tell.

But little did I expect the guy to be Venkatesh Swaminathan. My long lost crush who I blamed all along for who I am right now. Broken, insecure and illiterate.

"Have a safe trip mapla ! Take care papu !" Arun says along with Amma and appa as they all wave at us while I wave back clutching my other hand on Venky's right shoulder while he drives Arun's in Royal Enfield towards the dam.

"Don't you think I should get a bullet like this gundoos ? It seems more comfortable than my car because unfortunately it has a lot of space in it" he says from infront of me making me huff as I roll my eyes.

"I don't care what you buy or not Venky so just......shut up" I say shaking my head as I turn to the side while placing both my hands to the back and clutch to the bike's back.

After ages I am wearing chudidhar today and that too for an outing with this guy , ufff god is cruel (so is the author).

"Ouch that hurt wifey but that's ok , I am going to give it all back to you when we go to the private section of the falls" he says in a mischievous voice making me shake my head.

Suddenly he presses brake making my body to fall on his back as I clutch my hands around his waist and I hear his light growl.

"Don't press brakes like this !" I whine smacking his shoulder.

"Oop sorry wifey" he says in a not-so-sorry voice.

And then the bike starts to shake like anything through the repaired road only to make me clutch onto him tighter as I body shake on his back while my breasts shake uncontrollably. How embarassing.

The bike comes to a hault as we reach the dam making me jump out as he smirks at me with mischief.

"Wait here gundoos I will park the bike and come" he says and I just turn away as he vrooms forward.

After a couple of minute or so he comes jogging to me and clutches my hand , intertwining our fingers.

"Let us get going. I just talked to the so called guy your brother told , he said that he is on his way , meanwhile let us just go and take some selfies" he says smiling wide

"I am not interested in taking photos with you" I say rolling my eyes as I turn away.

"Gundo----" he starts but I cut him off.

"No Venkatesh. I am the same girl I was back then. Fat black ugly all the words you described me as ! Just because you apologised in one word and told 'I love you' doesn't change all of it you and your friends did to me ! So just p*ss off !" I tell angrily as I glare at him while his eyes widen.

"Vaishali I freaking love you ! And you have no idea how freaking much I regret everything I did to you along with my friends but DON'T YOU DARE TALK LOW ABOUT MY FRIENDS ! They are gems. They only just defy my words , they never intentionally teased you. It was just because I did that they did and I already told them nor to go overboard or hurt you too much so they didn't ! I understand that it is hard for you to accept me but don't talk like that about my friends" he shouts making me gasp.

Did he just ....... defend his freaking friends ? So he thinks he knows them well ? Then I should let him know that HE DOESN'T !

"They are not good persons Venkatesh" I say in a low voice.

"You don't know about them Vaishali. Not yet , you will only know about them when you spend some quality time with them. I can't blame you" he sighs making me frown....hard.

The efff ?! They aren't good guys ! No guy who puts his hand on a woman without her consent is good ! And I am damn sure those guys aren't anywhere near good. But I don't have time to argue about that with this guy , he's just...... completely stupid and insane !

"Anyways Venkatesh , I don't care about you and your so called friends , let us just get this over with" I say and try to walk away but he grabs my hand stopping me and turning me around forcefully.

"Atleast come along with me. We are married now wifey , you shouldn't feel shy about walking around with me because I don't" he says angering me more with the last phrase.

"What do you mean by because I don't ? Are you ashamed of me Venkatesh ? Really ? After all this ! After marrying me now you are ashamed ?" I ask angrily making him frown as his eyes turn dark.

"I am not f*cking ashamed gundoos ! If I was ashamed I would have never married you , not infront of the whole f*cking crowd filled with my and your family. My and your friends. And every freaking higher official and celebraty in the town !" He growls lowly making me shiver a little.

"I----" I start to say but am being cut off by a familiar male voice.

"Vaishuuuuuuu ?" The voice comes making me tuen around frowning only to gasp in surprise seeing the person standing infront of me.

"Sahil" I utter suprised as the well built tall man infront of me smiles wide making me melt , literally.


First of all..........A VERY HAPPY DIWALI to my dear readers !!!!! Let god bless ya'll with good health , wellness and prosperity !!🤩💥

Btw who is this Sahil...?😜


Luv ya ❣️

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