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"He is crazy about you dear , please don't hurt him . He is a gem" athai says to me as we walk out of our room while Venkatesh sleeps on the bed.

I just give her a nod of my head as she walks off making me enter our room again and close the door behind me.

After treating his wound I fed him and he is now asleep. I can't believe that I just....accepted him.

I never thought I ever would but the love I have on  him, I don't know but it plays a really important role in always attracting me towards him. It is like wherever I go I would again be sucked back to him.

I sit beside him on our bed and gently pet his hair, admiring his sleeping figure. Venkatesh has always been my it before the incident. My eyes would always search for him in the crowd , I used to stare at him when no one notices but it is the fear I had on him that restrained me from him most of the time. Heck , it did always !

I don't know when I fell asleep but I did.

The next day I woke up before him and went to make the breakfast ready.

As I am chopping the vegetables two hands come around my waist from behind turning me around.

"Venkatesh" I whine looking at his smiling face as he tilts his head at me.

"Gundoos" he whines back poking his lower lip out.

"Don't call me Venkatesh" I say scrunching my nose.

"Then don't call me Venkatesh" he argues back.

"Then what would I call you ?" I question smiling as I look down at his childish face.

"Call me baby" he says smiling cheesily.

"Baby ? Ew no" I say shaking my head.

He pouts as he frowns looking at me.

"You are so mean" he says puffing his cheeks making his face look like a..... rasagulla.

"Aw my rasagulla" I cooe pinching his cheeks making him turn around.

"Rasagulla ?" He asks with confusion.

"Yeah , your face looks like a giant rasagulla , I will call you rasagulla from now on" I say smiling at him.

His eyes roam my face and suddenly they light up like a bulb.

"Ok my jamun" he says giving me his cheesy smile.

"Jamun ?" I ask frowning.

"Since your face looks like a tasty gulab jamun I will call you jamun from now on" he says and I shake my head chuckling.

"Now give me a kiss wifey. I have been waiting for it since waking up" he says huskily and before I could react he cups the back of my neck and crashes his lips on mine as he kisses me with patience and love.

Pulling back he places his lips lightly on my nose and rests his forehead on mine.

"I love you jamun" he breaths out lowly.

"I love you too rasagulla" I whisper holding onto his hand which is still cupping the back of my neck.

The rest of the days pass by real quick , maybe it's because I am actually happy for once. I have a great husband , he is cherishing me and pouring every ounce of love on me. He made me feel good about myself.

But I am scared to let him in, to see the real me. That is why I haven't let him touch me yet. There has been a time our make-out session turned completely into something more.

He literally ripped off my saree and blouse but I stopped him from going any further and told him that I am not ready. There is something that is still in the corner of my heart keeping me from giving myself completely to him.

Anyways , after pleading him about Sudhir anna he finally agreed to take me out to the NPL match today to watch Sudhir anana play. I could finally get to explain to him.

We got seated in the balcony , mainly because Venkatesh is a world known CEO and holds a lot of power.

"Gosh I am so excited to see Sudhir anna play ! It has been his dream to reach here I feel so happy for him rasagulla" I squeal excitedly as I hold his hand and jump up and down.

"I could care less" he mumbles lowly but I heard it clearly.

Venkatesh has been grumpy the whole evening. It is like he doesn't want to be here. Like he would be anywhere else but here.

"Seriously rasagulla ? Why are you grumpy today ? What is even the problem between you too ?" I ask frowning as I look at him.

"You don't have to know about it jamun. Just watch the match" he says giving me a tiny smile making me shake my head as I turn to look at the ground.

The match goes pretty well. Anna even scored a hundred. He got the man of the match award. I was literally screaming 'Sudhir anna' over and over again.

After the match I almost drag Venkatesh with me and rush over to the changing room as the team's manager leads us.

"Sudhir anna !" I shout as I see him in the corridor.

He turns around frowning and looks at me making his frown go deeper as he turns back around and resumes walking.

"Sudhir anna please stop ! Let me explain ! I came this far to see you play ! I even supported you against my favourite team ! Come on listen to me please ! Just give me five minutes" I plead trying to catch up with him.

"Just go away Vaishali I am in no mood for this , let me be happy" he groans continuing to walk making me stop and sulk.


I then recite everything that happened including Venkatesh beating his friend and cutting himself making Sudhir anna turn around with wide eyes.

"He did that ? Be honest with me Vaishu" he asks.

"Yes anna he did , look" I say showing Venkatesh's palm to him making his eyes widen even more.

Then his look changes into one of sorry and guilt as he looks at me and places his hand ontop of my head.

"I am sorry Vaishu , I had no idea. I am so so sorry for not giving you a chance to speak" he apologizes with sincerety.

"It is ok anna , I am happy you know about it atleast now" I say smiling at him making him give my head a ruffle.

Then his eyes shift to Venkatesh.

"I am sorry da thambi. When you told me about your feelings towards Vaishnavi I didn't believe you. At first I did caught you staring at Vaishnavi when she isn't looking at you but then I overheard your friends talking about how you are going to enjoy her. I thought that it was all a plan you all made together. I did get a call from your friend informing me that they wantedly wanted to prank me that day with that dialogue I didn't believe them. But I do now. Just.... don't ever hurt her" Sudhir anna says making Venkatesh nod.

"You knew about his feelings ?" I ask wide eyed.

"Yes Vaishu , one thing you don't know is he is my cousin brother. My mother's sister's son. But I didn't tell you because I do want you to ignore me or feel scared of me because of him. Infact we never really were like this until meeting you. It is the brotherly urge in me to protect you from him is the thing that turned me against him. But I never regret beating him, he deserved it for treating you like that and getting jealous of me whenever I am near you" he says and chuckles.

"I wasn't jealous" Venkatesh says giving us averted eyes.

"Yeah sure you weren't" Sudhir anna says putting his hand around my shoulder.

"F,ck off brother !" Venkatesh seeths pushing him off of me as he hugs me.

"See ?" Sudhir anna says teasingly making us chuckle as Venkatesh glares and pouts at us both like a baby.

This is real happiness.



Luv ya'll ❣️

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