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"You know one thing rasagulla ?" I ask as he holds me to his body with my head on his chest cuddling me.

"Hmm" he hums as he tightens his hold around my waist.

It is Sunday afternoon and everyone else have gone to a function , it is just me and Venkatesh again.

"Women's fart smells more than men's fart" I say as I look up at him.

"Where did you get this amazing fact wifey ?" He asks scrunching his nose in disgust.

"Shut up ! Then , I am so free I don't know what to do except reading stupid magazines with stupid facts" I say plucking one of his chest hair making him yelp in pain.

"What do you want me to do for that ?" He asks rubbing his chest.

"I want to study Venkatesh. Let me study in college , pretty please ?" I ask giving him my puppy dog eyes.

"Jamun it is not that easy as it seems. Do one thing , come with me , I will give you a job in my company. We can work very hard together" he says , stressing the 'hard' huskily letting me know just how hard we will work.

"Eppa paathaalum double meaning ! (Always double meaning !)" I say beating his face with a pillow.

"Ow , wifey ! Then what ? I am not letting you go study now , being in the position I am is far more dangerous than you think. I will not let you go anywhere away from my eyesight. It is dangerous both for you and me. Understand wifey, we are now a family. You are now a part of my family so you need to be more cautious. Not only am I a CEO but a powerful man too" he says moving his hand up and down my arm.

"This is not fair" I pout pushing him away and standing up.

"Life is not fair wifey" he says standing up and coming up behind me hugging me.

"No ! You are not fair ! You made my life hell you b*stard ! You ruined my life !" I shout getting angry all of a sudden as I turn around and slapping him.

He keeps his head on the side as regret washes over me.

"Oh I am so sorry Venkatesh I didn't mean to beat you" I say rushing to him and taking his cheek in my hands.

"I am so----" I start but he cuts me off.

"You are pregnant" he says with wide eyes.

"What ?" I ask frowning.

"Yes you are pregnant. You have been throwing up almost all day , often getting angry and whiny. You even slapped me today for no reason" he says looking at me hopefully.

"No Venkatesh , I am not pregnant ! I am sure it is just something else , moreover I have PCOD" I say and quickly cover my mouth as realisation of what I said dawns upon me.

"What ?!" He shouts frowning.

"T-that V-venkatesh after your friends beat me I t-took a health check. I-It came that I have PCOD due to my weight" I say stuttering a little looking at his frowning face.

"I-I am s-sorry. I-It is o-o-okay if y-you d-don't w-want me" I say stuttering as tears threaten to form in my eyes.

"Are you crazy jamun ? Why would I don't want you ? You think having a child matters more than you to me ? There is nothing that I care for in the world other than you ! What if we can't have a child ? I have you ! I will treat you and cherish you like my child ! I will never let you go wifey , even if you want me to" he says cupping my cheeks and hugs me making my arms go around his waist as I sob in his shoulders.

"I don't deserve you Venkatesh" I whisper in his ear as I place my head on his shoulder.

"Neither do I deserve you. But I will do everything to keep you near me wifey" he whispers back kissing my neck as we hold each other tight to ourselves.

The next day we went to take another medical test , it came that I have ulcer and my PCOD is still there.

I was disappointed in myself though Venkatesh didn't tell anything about me still having PCOD.

When we told athai , maama and Raja about it.....

Athai - It is ok dear. PCOD is curable only , we can solve this don't worry we are with you.

Maama - If it is meant to be then let it be.

Raja - Anni no problem don't you worry ! Am I not there ? You can adopt me as your child ! I am sure then anna would buy me everything I want !

Raja's reply touched my heart because saying that he hugged me , I felt like he really is my son. The love he pours on me everyday is uncountable.

When he once bought his friends here for group study he so confidently and proudly introduced me as his Anni saying that I am his second mother and loves him the most which I do.

Not only him but athai and maama too are lovable.

Everytime athai and me go shopping together she always would buy me something like a kumkum chumili (vessel) or a god statue. She too proudly introduces me to her friends and relatives.

Maama , he is a different level. He and his friends always used to come after going to their morning walking. I would serve them tea and coffe. He would always tell them how much lucky he is to get such a good daughter in law. And that he finally has got a daughter that he and athai always wanted to have.

Not to miss Venkatesh. Once we went to a dinner with his college friends who came here for a trip together as a reunion. As we weren't able to join due to Venkatesh's work we took them to dinner in Venkatesh's restaurant when they passed our city.

The whole function my rasagulla was introducing me to everyone and they already knew me. Telling how he would always talk about me in college days telling how much he loves me and wants to marry and have a family with me.

Almost each and everyone were happy we got married. Telling that finally Venkatesh would stop being a mad man to couples just because he isn't having me in yet.

Not only that but he never fails to buy me halwa or any sweet that he gets even once a week. Sometimes he would even not let me work in the kitchen taking leave and groping me everywhere while I work , being naughty than ever. But that is what I like in him , his nagging love and that reminds me that I am not alone.

I feel like I don't deserve such a loving family. I can't even give them a child. What would I do in return for all this love ?

This family deserves a better daughter in law than me. I am boring and good for nothing. I know only to cook and clean , nothing else while even athai is a BA graduate.

I am an under-educated bad looking daughter in law. They deserve better. Venkatesh deserves better.


How is the new cover guys ? Thank you Shreya_VA for the amazing cover !


Luv ya'll ❣️

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