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"Gosh why did I look at fatty ? Now I would not do good in this match !" Karthi exclaims with annoyance as he smacks his head while I walk past him.

"Machan you are exaggerating just concentrate on this match , don't mind fatty. No one minds her"  Venky replies as I just keep walking away not wanting to hear further of their conversation.

Today is interschool cricket match in our school. Our school and ABC school are playing against each other. Our school team captain is Venkatesh , yeah. And Karthi is our vice captain.

They both are especially popular around our school for that , though they are rude they play pretty well. After Sudhir anna passed out of our school Venkatesh got promoted as a captain and Karthi as vice captain , though I miss Sudhir anna on field they would do for now.

I sit in the last row , near some juniors , thank god they won't bully me or anything. I can atleast watch the match in peace and away from my bullies.

The whole match I literally drool over Venky as he runs around the field. At times he would make eye contact with me but it would soon break as I would look away as soon as he sees me. Otherwise I did notice one of my family member in the opposite team.

Soon the match gets over and we won. As everyone runs to the field and lifts Venkatesh who hit the winning shot I walk out of the stands and run towards the guy who I noticed as my family member.

"Dinesh ! Hey Dinesh stop da !" I shout and he stops turning around to look at me.

"Hey Vaishu ! What are you doing here dii ?" He asks , his face breaking into a smile.

"Dei this is my school da ! I saw you and immediately recognised so came to talk to you! I didn't know you are a cricketer , but your bowling was fire da !" I exclaim patting his shoulder with amusement.

Side effects of talking with Sudhir Anna , now I am completely obsessed with cricket and totally love it !

"Thanks dii ! Alas your captain hit our balls out of the ground" he says chuckling.

I give out a little chuckle as we start to walk forward together.

"Hey Dinesh-uuuuu ! What are you doing with fatty da ? Come with me let me introduce you to my friends !" I hear Venkatesh's voice making the both of us turn seeing him standing right behind us , glaring at me.

"Hey who are you calling fatty ? I will break your limbs ! Go away !" Dinesh seeths angrily making Venky's face contort into shock.

Guess he didn't expect him to talk like this.

"Anyways Vaishu , it was nice to talk to you. We will meet again in the feast this weekend. Bye !" Dinesh exclaims glaring at Venky's shocked face.

"Okay da bye" I say getting his attention making his face break into a smile as he glares at Venky one last time before jogging off towards their team members.

I look at Venky to see him staring at me. I feel bad to even stand next to him, though I like him I fear him and hate him at the same time.

I quickly rush away not wanting to grab Karthi's attention.

"Mhmmm anni I can just kiss your hand , this puri and masal is so delicious" Raja exclaims munching with his mouth full of puri.

I give him a smile , proud of myself as I pay his head while he continues to eat.

"Yeah it tastes amazing gundoos but Raja leave the kissing part to me" Venky says glaring at Raja.

"Oh anna come on ! You should have told first itself but you didn't ! I told first so I get to kiss anni's hand !" Raja exclaims.

"No way in hell Raja ! I am not letting you kiss my wife , not even in her hands. No !" Venky says angrily.

"Whatever , you are just jealous she likes me more than you" Raja says with a proud smirk.

"As if ! She likes me the most" Venky replies huffing with anger.

"No no ! Let us ask her itself ! Anni you like me the most na ?" Raja asks looking up at me as Venky too looks at me with hope.

I give Raja a nod with a smile not looking at Venky's face.

"Yay ! I win ! Anni likes me the most !" Raja shouts happily and I can already hear Venky's angry breath as I walk into the kitchen.

As I bend down to take the cup in the sink to wash it I feel hands coming around my waist making me yelp.

"Venkatesh ! Leave me !" I whisper yell as he turns on the tap and washes his hand placing his chin on my right shoulder.

He doesn't reply as he offs the tap and takes my pallu wiping his hand using it and wiping his mouth using the end of my pallu.

"Delicious" he says in a low voice as he backs me up to the kitchen counter.

"Move you idiot !" I exclaim angrily.

"You like him the most haa ?" He asks with more anger making me gulp.

"You belong to me gundu (fat) wifey" he whispers and the next thing I know is his lips crashing ontop of mine as I fist his shirt in my hand.

I try hard to push him away by hitting him but he just keeps his lips glued onto mine.

Within seconds I defeatedly stop fighting making him move his lip on mine and bite it making me gasp as he enters his tongue into my mouth and kiss me passionately.

I moan out loud as he pinches my waist in the most delicious manner pulling me closer to him if possible by my waist.

He pulls back as we both gasp for air while he connects his forehead with mine.

"I love you gundoos" he whispers and kisses my forehead walking out of the kitchen leaving me behind gasping for air.

I touch my lips as I feel tingles. My first kiss. With Venkatesh. And I can't believe I enjoyed it.


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