Chapter | 1

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"Sometimes you will never know the Value of a moment, until it becomes a memory"
- Dr Seuss

"I'm leaving!" I heard my Little brother scream throughout the house and slam the front door shut.

Why does Owen, tell everyone he's leaving at 6 Am in the fucking morning! My brother is an idiot, well I'm up now.

I got up off my bed and went into my bathroom turning on the lights. I took a piss and washed my hands and tossed myself back onto my bed. Not realizing how tired I still was, I fell back asleep.

I slowly open my eyes waking up from my ringtone, grabbing my phone off my night stand and putting it to my ear, I answer the phone.

"Hello?" I say, with a raspy tone. "Baby, are you sleeping!" I hear Bentley say.

"Uh yeah, I fell asleep."

I look at the time on my alarm clock, now panicking and I get up off my bed, grabbing clothes out of my drawer.

"You're gonna be so late, if you don't hurry up." He says, as I get frustrated, "Yeah I know, I shouldn't have fell asleep, fuck!"

"It's okay, just hurry up and get changed. I'm on my way to pick you up."

"What? You don't need to do that!"

"No, it'll take you too long to get there by walking, since you missed your bus." He says.

"Fine, thank you baby."

I hung up on him and I threw on denim black jeans and a blue crop top. Rushing into my bathroom, I quickly brush my straightened black hair and quickly put on makeup, mascara and lipgloss.

I put in my prescribed eye contacts that's in the colour brown and headed out the door with my knapsack and wallet and my phone of course. Just as I walked out the door my boyfriend pulled up in his white BMW.

He got out of his car and opened the car door for me. passenger seat for me. I rushed over to him as he brought me into a bear hug, kissing my forehead. "I missed you!" He mumbles in my hair.

I laugh, "I missed you too, baby." I got into the passenger seat of the car, and waited as he went around the car and got in as well.

He immediately started speeding towards our highschool, as fast as his BMW could go, this car ride definitely should take a few minutes. I really didn't wanna be late, I've got an important quiz today in language 101. But I know being a minute late is a ridiculous reason to freak out, but that's exactly what I'll do especially since my school will make a big deal out of literally anything.

Us finally arriving, Bentley parks in the school parking lot and we get our stuff and head out and go into school, "Bye babe!" Bentley says in my ear before scurrying to his friends who are skipping class.

Me and Bentley have been together for a couple of weeks now, he asked for my number in the hallway and I gladly said yes. He's been really sweet, kind and understanding.

I head into my first class, Language 101, by Ms.Taylor and I quietly get seated hoping she wouldn't notice. "I see you have finally decided to join us, Hazel.", She laughed and turned around from the whiteboard to face me in my seat. "Would you like to tell the class why you were late?"

I looked around the classroom as the heads of my classmates turned to face me. Why does this teacher have an issue with me? I've never even misbehaved in her class once!

"Come on, Speak up, Ms.Cooper."

Me being the bitch I am, I gave her absolute attitude. "No Ms.Taylor, unlike you, I would actually not enjoy telling people my business." I reply.

"We're on page 262 of the book on your desk, read it and here's the quiz paper you'll need to fill out." Ms.Taylor says, bringing me the piece of paper I need, that's filled with questions top to bottom.

A few minutes later, I finish with the sheet of questions and get up out of my desk to slide it to Ms.Taylor seated in her brown wooden desk.

She looks at me and takes the paper, "Good job, since this was the only thing we were doing in my classroom today, you can leave.", She says, as I nod my head.

I go back to my desk and grab my stuff but not before Polly, the girl I sit beside, grabs my arm and whispers in my ear. "I hope you know you're a slut."

I rip my arm from her hold and rush out the classroom, having no idea what that was about. I was quite excited, I was free for a couple of minutes before my next class but after what Polly had just said, it had made me uncomfortable being called something so mean.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and texted Lyra, my closest friend to come meet me by our stairwell and she said she'd be here in two seconds making me in a much happier mood.

"Heyy girl!!" Lyra said, rushing towards me with her arms held open.

"Hi Lyra!" I hugged her.

She looked at me once more, noticing my bitter face and her emotion changed from happy to worried.

"Awh! What's wrong Hazel!" She sat down beside me on the stairwell and I gave her a weak smile, "nothing to worry about." I replied back.

I wanted to tell her about what had just happened but I didn't want to make a big deal out of nothing, Polly is and will always be a bitch and I'll leave it at that.

"Okay but if you want to talk I'm always here.", She says, as I nod.

She looked like she had just realized something, making my eyebrows crease in suspicion.

"Oh guess what!"

"What?" I replied to her confused.

"So you know how Mr Joe, our history teacher, went to jail for using drugs in school?" She asked me.

"Yeah?" I replied, confused.

"Okay so he's being replaced by this really hot teacher named Mr Lorenzo!" She said acting giddy, making me laugh.

"He's a teacher! Why are you calling him hot!" I warned her.

"Oh come on, if you saw this man you'd say the same thing doesn't matter if you're innocent or not!"

I interrupted her from speaking more "Bitch why are you lying, I'm not innocent!" I shout, making her laugh.

"Okok I have an idea." She said, as my eyebrows shot up.

Her ideas are not to be trusted, I bet she is going to say the stupidest or craziest thing she'll ever say in her entire life.

"I think you should flirt with Mr.Lorenzo for the whole lesson and I'll give you 50 bucks." She laughs.

"No, what the fuck"

"Right right, your definitely not innocent.." she says sarcastically.

I opened my mouth in shock of the crazy idea she had asked me to do and nudged her a little, deciding to think about it.

It can't hurt to flirt with a hot teacher for a day, I mean after the day is over, I'll get 50 bucks, and prove my best-friend wrong, it's a win-win situation. He's probably not that hot anyways and I mean it's not like he's actually gonna flirt back, it'll be boring and he'd probably report me to the principal and that's something I don't want but at the same time I feel the need to prove a point and knowing my confident and spontaneous self, I don't back down to a challenge.

I think I'll just test it out like once...

"Okay I'll do it but make it 100 bucks for what I'm agreeing to!" I say, and she nods her head in excitement.

Just as I've agreed to this crazy offer the bell rang, me having to go to my next class, History.

Okay then, I hope you have prepared for me, Mr Lorenzo.

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