Henry Emily

466 12 3

Time 10:45 pm Tuesday
Location: Fredbear's Family Diner

'Finally, I'm here. Damn, police officers are dumb. Now a way to get inside,' you think as you run from the police. You pier to your right seeing an open window, bingo! As you climb through the window one leg at a time, you think to yourself. "What should I say to my dear big brother when I see him?"

When your two feet land softly on the black and white chequered tiles, you see you're now in a hallway. You peek around the corner to the main room to check if the coast is clear. Suddenly you spot a cute young man, about 5'6, trying to reach a light that was just a bit too high for him. He had brown-auburn hair, a dad stash, square glasses that were just a little too big for his face and a slightly chubby dad bod, yet with his sleeves rolled up, he had a bit of muscle to him, which was really hot. You snap out of your thoughts, reveal yourself and stride towards to help him.

"Need any help, cutie~" you begin, realising you had unfortunately startled him. "Ahh!" He yelps as he falls backwards off the stage and into your arms. "Woah, be careful, darling wouldn't want anything to happen to that beautiful face of yours," you chuckled, cradling the shocked man in your arms. Then a loud smash- which was the light from before, collided with the tiles, pieces going everywhere. The young man buries his face into your crinkled, purple shirt, clutching your leather jacket with both fists as you hold him close, shielding his eyes from the glass shards.

"Henry!!! Are you alright!" Screams a familiar British man in a purple suit as he enters the room. "Willy! What a surprise, big brother! You're just the person I was looking for!!!" You triumphantly announced. Still holding the young man like a newborn baby. "Y-Y/N! How did you escape!" William shrieks, speechless at the site of your presents after being wanted by the police for years. Then a meek voice butts in before you can answer. "U-um, thank you for catching me.... but could you put me down?" Henry stuttered, being as polite as possible but shocked that you were his best friend's younger brother.

"Oh, you're welcome, princess~ and sure." You say sweetly, giving him a wink. "P-princess!" Henry gasped as a crimson-red blush spread across his face. William just groans in annoyance. It was hilarious to you. "Something wrong, bro?" You ask, pretending to be clueless like when you were kids. He rolls his eyes and groans, heading to the storage room to grab a broom and another light.

"So Henry, was it?" You ask to start a conversation with the man before you. "Yes, um... Y/N, what do you need." He questions, cocking his head to the side. "I'm just curious, but are you single?~" you asked in a sultry voice. "He's married with twins at home!" William hollers in joy when he finds a way to make you semi-upset. "Yeah, I'm married, sorry." He sighs, not wanting to make you sad. "It's quite alright, love- I mean Henry!" You correct yourself, not wanting to make him uncomfortable while pouting at the site of the ring on his finger. But you had other plans.

"Just you wait, darling~ you will be mine~ I just have to do something about that wife of yours."

Re-editied on the 14th of March 2023.

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