The Officer Loves the Murderer

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Location: Afton Household

Time: Wednesday Afternoon

Clay's P.O.V: (Something new ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )

Also there is a slight mention of religion and murder

I'm a disgrace to my name, my family, and my religion. I have a wife that I am in a failing marriage with, and a three-year-old son who needs a father in his life. But I cannot deny this feeling any longer. I pull up my car in front of his house, anxiety engulfing my whole being. William Afton is an unsettling man, and I am aware of all the things he and his brother have done. Yet I let them both go scott-free. Honestly, I didn't think I would love someone who isn't Betty. Boy was I wrong. Standing on the doorstep and ringing the bell, a singular drop of sweat falls from my brow. I hear footsteps. I wonder who will answer the door.

When the door opens, I find a little girl with strawberry blonde hair; that is more on the ginger side, staring up at me with emerald green eyes. Before I can speak she calls out to someone. "Uncle! Uncle! There's a man at the door!" Coming from behind her and putting a hand on her shoulder. I recognised this man very well, but I didn't say anything due to embarrassment. All he does is smirk and say a few words that makes me stiffen my posture even more than I already have. "Hey, Will! I'm going to take the kids to Henry's! There's someone at the door for you, and I don't think the kids should be around for it!" William's brother ushered the three children that I assume are the Afton kids out the house while pushing me in at the same time, and locked the door behind him.

I awkwardly stand at the entrance to William's home, and I see him rushing down the stairs with his purple shirt with thin black strips half on, making my face go red. "Burke." He says, stopping in his tracks, not paying too much mind to his unbuttoned shirt. "Afton." I just manage to word, while clearing my throat and gesturing to his exposed chest. But he ignores it. "Well, isn't this a pleasant surprise! I didn't know if you'd ever come back after last time. But you did. And out of uniform no less. I must say you look good.~" How does he know exactly what to say? I know this is probably weird for a middle-aged man such as myself to think but I think I'm falling head over heels for this man.

"Oh where are my manners? Please. Come in, and take a seat. Make yourself at home." I awkwardly make my way over to the couch, cautiously awaiting William to sit down beside me. William returns with a teapot that has steam coming out of the spout and two matching tea cups covered in floral patterns. Setting down what I assume is tea, the Englishman pours me a cup, and hands me the hot beverage. The air within the room is awkward. But even so, it's nice. "What brings you here, Clay? You usually call ahead when you're coming over. Did something happen?" I look at the floor in shame. How could I tell him? Is what we have even real? Even if it isn't, I don't have to tell him. Even if the closure and love and warmth that he gives me is fake, I don't care. Because I want it. And I want him. He deserves to know.

No one's P.O.V:

"I think I'm going to get a divorce." This statement was a weight off of the officer's shoulders. But for the other man it was pure shock. William hadn't expected Clay to be so forward in such circumstances. Honestly, Clay's face was brighter than it had ever been before, as the blood rushed to his cheeks. In all honesty, William had no idea that this strange relationship he had with the officer would go this far. He didn't even know what he truly felt for the man before him. Due to the long silence that fell upon the room, Clay started to contemplate what he said. "Oh, what am I saying?! I'm sorry William. This probably means nothing to you, and it would be so unfaithful to your wife. And- and!-" The officer was caught off guard as a thin pair of soft lips pressed against his chapped ones.

"I may not know how I feel about us. But I do know a few things. One, it does not mean nothing to me. Two, I am no longer with my wife. And three, even if I don't understand any of this, I promise that I will try to understand this. It won't be easy, but I can guarantee that we'll work something out." William's words had captured the other man's heart. And unexpectedly, large pools of tears streamed down Clay's face. To the public, Officer Burke was tough, strong, and could take down any criminal that stood in his way. The way his family sees him is different. He's still strong and a great role model, but over time he distanced himself from them. No one could tell if it was on purpose or not. But the way he was with the Englishman was ever so different from everyone else.

Clay has found that he lets himself go most when he is in the presence of Afton. All the tears, frustration, and pent up aggression come loose and then whisk away as if they had never existed in the first place. The officer lays his head upon the Englishman's chest, listening to his heartbeat. The warmth of their bodies felt calm, and at peace. As the kicking of their hearts synced. Both men did not care for what the future shall hold. Only for what is happening in the present.


While Clay and William were having their one on one time with each other. You and the kids were spending time at Henry's. Michael had sat himself away from everyone else on the back porch, reading a comic book. Not too far off from him were Elizabeth and the twins, playing whatever make believe game their imaginative minds could come up with. While you were sitting under a large oak tree with Evan peacefully dozing off in your arms, and Henry leaning against the left side of you, taking in the sun rays that seeped into his skin. It was nice. You looked across the backyard at every person in sight, and you knew that everything was over and you were right where you wanted to be.

In everyone's own mind they agreed. But you never thought the day you met Henry, that you would fall for your brother's best friend.~

Welp, this is the end! I hope you enjoyed it, and let me know what you think. Thank you for all the love and support that you have provided me with, and I hope to possibly see you all again in future stories. But until then, goodbye lovely people.

Author <3

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