Cheating Kisses

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(Gets a little heated but no smut.)

Location: Fredbears Family Diner Time: Thursday 7:30am

Henry's P.O.V:

'YAWN!' "Another early morning. Just me and my paperwork." The kids decided to spend a day with Amy, and everything was fine. The sun was still rising. It was peaceful, and I knew William wouldn't arrive until eight, so I got time to do what I must do. 'BANG!' "What in Fredbear's name was that?!" I felt panicked. I could hear loud feet on the tiles heading my way quickly. Then it stopped. It was on the other side of my office door. "Darling~!"

Your P.O.V:

Today was the day. Today we're going to tell him, and there's no saying no. Otherwise, his so-called wife will be dead sooner than later. I stopped right outside his office door, ready to greet him. "Darling~!" I called to him, addressing my arrival, turning the golden brass handle and swinging the wooden door open. I gaze upon the shorter man before me, closing and locking the door behind me in a slow, sultry manner. Hearing the click of the lock, Henry jumps in his seat, wheeling his chair back as I get closer, instantly hitting the wall behind him.

He yelps in surprise, knowing he's trapped, as I put both my hands on the armrests, trapping him, our faces inches apart. "Hello, love~" I greet him (putting a big emphasis on love), grinning when his face gets redder by the second. "Y/N! What are you doing here!" He asked, trying to speak normally, but his voice just cracked. "I'm here to see you, of course! Wouldn't want William intruding on us now, would we~" He shakes his head, quickly agreeing with my statement, face as red as crimson.

Henry's P.O.V:

I couldn't believe this was happening! My mind traces back to last night's erotic dream. My face flushes harshly, waiting for what he'll say next.

Your P.O.V:

"Perfect~ now, my dear may I kiss you?" (Good men get consent, hehe) He nods lightly, signifying he wants this as much as I do, yet afraid about the outcome. "What's wrong?" I ask him before I go for it because he seems unsure. "A-are you s-sure you want this?" He questions shyly, his face flushed and red from embarrassment. "My dear Henry, I've never been so sure in my life," I confess, now becoming red as well. "Really?" He asks, looking up at me. I could almost see the glitter in his eyes. "Really~" I reply, lust in my voice. My (e/c) eyes gazed back into his green ones. (Which were sparkling brightly, ready for the moments ahead).

Rapidly. Henry suddenly grabs the collar of my shirt, desperately pulling me towards him, pressing his soft lips onto mine. It was rough yet loving and sweet. He was hungry for me, slipping his tongue into my mouth, fighting for dominance which I obviously won. Then, standing up and turning around to push me onto the chair, sitting on my lap, grinding his crotch against mine. His moans of delight filled the once-peaceful office, and so did mine.

My hands grabbed his waist firmly, keeping him in place. And his arms were draped over my shoulders, manoeuvring my lips from Henry's lips to his neck, making love bites all over. Biting down on a specific spot, Henry throws his head back, screaming in arousal and lust. "AHHH~ OH! Y/N~" He yelps as I draw blood from his neck. The crimson liquid drips from his neck, leaving a bruise where my mouth once was.

No one's P.O.V:

Licking up the blood from Henry's neck, you notice his arms are no longer on your shoulders. But at your pants, forcefully trying to undo your belt. "You're eager, aren't you? My dear~" You purr, whispering into his ear and tickling it with your breath. He stops and goes quiet.

"Why did you stop, love?~" You question, staring into his eyes while he looks away from yours. He opens his mouth to speak but hesitates to find the correct way to word his answer. "M-my wife never has t-time for me, a-and you just w-wanting me makes m-me feel wanted." "But of course, I think I love you, and I'm not just doing this because I need a release! I..." Henry stops, eyes wide. Your lips connected to his.

"Shh, relax, baby. I know 'exactly' what you and I both need." That is all you need to say to get him going again.

Time skip because Author doesn't feel like writing smut. (Sorry)

Your P.O.V:

"How do you feel, love?" I ask, looking at the finished masterpiece below me. He just looks up and smiles, whispering softly. "I feel wonderful, thank you." That was all he said before passing out from exhaustion. "Don't worry, my love, we'll be together soon~" I sigh, closing the door behind me. 'Okay, he's dressed, I'm dressed. I've left him a note for later. What else is there?' -mind. "I wasn't expecting that, but knowing you, it would've happened sooner or later." Embarking a voice behind me as I slowly revert my gaze to where the noise is coming from. "WILLIAM!!!"

"Hello, brother~."

Re-edited on the 14th of March 2023.

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