One Dirty Explanation

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Time: Same night as before ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Location: Afton family household

This chapter includes William Afton x Clay Burke.

William's P.O.V:

"William. How did you get the police off my back?" Well, of course! I knew he was going to ask this at some point. So I might as well come clean. "If you must know, I chatted with one of the officers in my home office yesterday. And well... one thing led to another, and we kind of." Y/N put his hand in front of my face signalling me to stop talking. "So, you f*cked a guy and set me free. There's a lot I'm not surprised you've done. But I was just wondering. How was it? Was he good? Who was top, and who was bottom? Is he good-looking? I swear if it's anyone but Officer Burke, I'll strangle you." He was firing questions at me left and right like bullets shooting out of a machine gun.

"Okay! Now it's your turn to be quiet."I huff, and he cuts off his sentence, getting the hint that he was asking too many questions for me to handle. "Come on, bro! At least tell me that it was Officer Burke." Y/N pleaded, still wanting to know a little about what happened. (It had always been a bit of an inside joke about me and Clay Burke). I guess I have no choice. He will bug me about this until I die, and I don't think I can handle that for another second. "Alright, alright. I'll tell you. But you have to promise to stop bothering me from now on." He makes an immature pouty face at me, thinking such a deal is almost impossible to stick by. "Come on now, Billy! You know I'm not going to do that. I'm your younger brother. It's my job to bother you."

"Okay, Y/N, you win. Just try not to interrupt me, or I'll make sure Henry never forgives you." I say, my signature sinister grin spreading across my face. While he just sat there, not with the same childish face he always pulls. But his face looked hurt, and his eyes were like raging balls of fire, ready to explode and kill if he needed to. I sigh, making the face that tells him that; I'm not going to sabotage his relationship with Henry, which 'seemed' to calm his nerves once more. As awkward silence filled the room, I began to tell him what had happened.

Flashback to yesterday -


No one's P.O.V:

There was a knock on the door of the Afton residence. On the other side was Officer Clay Burke. Who was asked by William to meet him at his house for a favour. The door opened, and Clay came face to face with a cheery yet suspicious smile from his male acquaintance. "Clay! Come in, come in. I'm so glad you could make it." William grinned, generously taking off the officer's coat and hanging it up. He led Clay to the living room, gesturing for him to sit down while William quickly locked the door. "So, Afton. What was so important that you needed me to come over to your house to discuss?" William sighed, sitting beside him with an upset look on his face. Clay was a bit nervous about what he was about to be told, and Will had noticed this. To calm his nerves, the tall, lanky man caressed the man's thigh, gently tracing his right hand across it. The soft touch of the other made Clay's face turn slightly pink.

"What are you doing, Afton?!" He asked, raising his voice, a light crimson colouring his face. But William shushed him softly, moving his hand closer to Clay's inner thigh. "I know how she treats you, Clay. All she does is yell at you and ignore you all day." William admitted a look of pity in his dusty blue eyes. Burke looks away in defeat, proving William right. "If you play my game, I'll make all the terrible things drift away. But if I do this for you, you'll have to do something for me." Now William has Clay underneath him, with a sultry smirk, on his face.

William's proposition then sparks an idea in the officer's brain. Quickly flipping William over, he was now on top. Clay was now the one grinning. "Okay. I'll play your game. But we play by my rules. And then, and only then, will I do whatever you need. Got it slut." William liked this idea. But he had to up his game, so the controlling police officer doesn't have all the fun. "Oh, of course, officer. I wouldn't want to disappoint someone as important as yourself." A small chuckle comes from the man above. Clay could feel the bulge growing within his pants, tightening the more he stared into the other man's submissive eyes. "Just be careful what you say, darling. Because bad boys get punished.~"

His threat sent arousing shivers up William's spine. Which only turned him on even more. Clay passionately pressed his lips against William's as his fingers ran through William's soft, brown locks. He nibbled at William's bottom lip, asking for entrance. But he playfully denied it. Clay slipped his right hand from William's hair to his crotch area, gently rubbing up and down repeatedly, teasing Will's erection. "Hah~!" William gasps, opening his mouth just enough for Clay to slip his tongue inside Will's mouth.

Clay dragged his tongue over every crevice of William's mouth, leaving no part untouched. William being the needy man he is, moves his hands to Clay's hips, trying to bring him closer to himself. But he is stopped by Clay. "Tsk, tsk, tsk. Bad bunny. Did I permit you to do that? I think not." He says, holding William's wrists with his left hand and undoing his tie with his right. "Unfortunately, I didn't bring my handcuffs, so this will have to do." He states, tying Will's wrists together tightly with the tie. Changing positions, so William was sitting on Clay's lap. Will was grinding his painful erection across Clay's crotch area, moaning in ecstasy. His hands still tied behind his back.

"You really are desperate, aren't you?" Burke whispers, his hot breath tickling Afton's ear. William only nods, as he is too wound up in his own pleasure to say anything. Suddenly Clay stops. William looks at him in confusion. "How about we take this somewhere more private? Wouldn't want to get caught now, would we?" William can only nod, his eyes not leaving the man before him.

End of Flashback -

"Woah, Woah, Woah! Way too graphic, bro!" You say, waving your arms about, signalling for him to stop. Will just shrugs, leaning back into the booth. "Well, you were the one who wanted to know." You just huff, crossing your arms and sinking into your chair. While William just chuckles at your child-like behaviour. "Alright, alright. I'm sorry. How about we head home for the day? You need to clear your head after what happened with Henry." Will just looks at you with a sympathetic smile on his face. "Kids! It's time to go!" William yells to the kids. You sigh happily, following after them.

Hey guys! I'm so sorry, but I've only just realised the mistake I made with the setting. I have been really tired lately and obviously didn't notice my error. It has now been fixed but I still feel bad about it. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Sorry again, Author!

Re-edited on the 14th of March 2023.

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