The Darkside of Henry Emily

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Location: Emily Household

Time: Tuesday the next morning

Mike's P.O.V:

I greet the day by getting up early and heading down to the kitchen. This is where I find the twins sitting on the couch and watching cartoons. Noticing my presence they turn around and bid me a good morning. "Morning, Mikey. When did you get here?" Charlie says, in curiosity while Sammy just has his eyes glued to the television. "Mornin', Char. Mornin' Sam. I got here late last night because I needed to help your dad with something." She smiles and nods, satisfied with my answer, so she turns back around and keeps watching TV.

While the morning continues on, I begin to brew a pot of coffee for Henry and myself. Speaking of the devil, Henry makes his way down the stairs and into the living room, kissing both Charlie and Sammy on their heads. Still half asleep, Henry walks into the kitchen wearing his plaid pj's, nightgown, and slippers, leaning against the island in the centre of the kitchen. "Morning, Mikey." He says, yawning and ruffling my hair as he pours himself a cup of coffee. Depending on our conversation last night, I think today is going to be a great day.

No one's P.O.V:

Meanwhile in the Afton Family household. *Distant screams of a grown man. You rush down the stairs only wearing a pair of plaid pyjama pants, not caring about your indecency just to aid your brother. "What are you screaming about, Will?! Is Everything alright?! You've woken everyone up." You say, rubbing your eyes, and dragging your feet across the wooden floor because it seemed that nothing had happened, and he was just over reacting as per usual. When you finally avert your eyes from the floor onto him, William gives you the most petrified look you've ever seen anyone make. (And you've seen some pretty horrific facial expressions). "What's wrong?" You ask him, watching him shake with panic. "It's Michael, he's not here! I checked with all of his friends' parents just to check if he sneaked out to be with friends, but he's not there. And his room is completely empty, along with every other room in the house."

You feel two small hands tug at your pant legs, and you turn to find Evan and Elizabeth beside you, worried after hearing Michael is missing. You sigh, shaking your head. 'This is going to be one hell of a morning.' You thought as you comforted the kids. "He's fine, Will. He stayed the night at Henry's-." When you say his name your voice drops. It's been three days, and you still can't get over it. 'If I have to go one more day without seeing him I'm going to snap!' You think, regretting every single life choice you've made. (Which is a lot).

"Oh, right. Sorry." You shake your head and sigh in disappointment. 'At Least he cares.' After all the fuss of this morning had blown over and everyone was getting ready for the day, and then there was a soft knock at the door. Being the only one not getting dressed you answered the door still in your pyjamas. Oh, that was so not a good idea. When you had opened the door you saw Michael warmly dressed, with a smug look on his face. "Welcome back, kiddo." You say, embracing him. Ruffling his hair, he steps into the house heading up the stairs towards his room. Your eyes avert to the floor not wanting to look him in the eyes. You were supposed to close the door, but for some reason you just couldn't. "7pm, my house. I believe we need to talk. Don't be late." That's all he said as he walked off to his car. But he stops and turns back to you and says, "oh, by the way, Y/N. Put a shirt on."

Your P.O.V:

I just stood there in shock. A thick coat of blush spread across my face. As waves of anxiety and relief engulfed me all at once. It's been three days, and he wants to speak with me, so soon? Most people would pack their bags to get away as soon as possible, or try to contact the police. But they never seem to make it in time. It's such a shame really. But Henry is just so different. I would never want to harm him in any way possible. Unless it's absolutely necessary. Walking up the carpeted stairs to where the bedrooms are, I head to my room to get ready for the day.

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