~Wet Dreams~

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This is my favourite song, listen if you wish!

The title says it all but I will inform you when it's about to start so you have time to click off if you need to, but if you wish to stay and read it welcome. Sorry for the wait now let's begin.

Location: Afton Family Household

Time: 8:45 pm

William's P.O.V:

"I can't believe I let Y/N stay in my house! 'sigh', but Henry was way too insisting," I say, sitting on the end of my bed. "It was quite odd what he said yesterday. Why is he so fixated on Henry?" I questioned as I pondered about my brother's love for my best friend. But one thing was for sure after surveying yesterday's happenings, Y/N does not like Amy, and it could be in a matter of days when something unfortunate or maybe gruesome occurs in her presents.

My brother is dangerous but sweet. I only hope he knows what he's doing, but for now, I should sit back, relax and watch this unfold. You better make my best friend happy, Y/N. 'Because if not, this will be something I will never forgive you for.' TOMORROW IS ANOTHER DAY~

Location: Emily Family Household

Time: 8:45 pm

Henry's P.O.V:

I can't understand what's been up with me lately. Ever since I met Y/N, he's all I've been thinking about lately, but that can't be right. I have a wife and kids. It would be disloyal and a sin to love him, let alone another man. I looked over at Amy sleeping next to me. I'll just rest it off. What's the harm of thinking about a man romantically once it's not like it was anything sexual, right? TOMORROW IS ANOTHER DAY~

I'll give you a chance to click off now if you need, because things are going to get spicy~

'Huff huff' "That's it, Teddy Bear~" "AH!~ Y/N~" He was so big, who knew he would love someone like me? I'm short, fat, and ugly, so I don't understand. "What's the matter, darling?" Y/N says, worried he did something wrong. "It's nothing. It's just- how can you like someone like me? I'm short, fat and ugly, but you're the opposite." I admit starting to tear up. But he just smirked. Does he not like me? "Hehehe, is that so? Well, let's make sure tonight you'll know you're wrong, Henry~."

"Wha-AH!~" I'm interrupted as he slams his ten-inch member into my hole, quickly pulling in and out, our skin loudly slapping together as my moans fill the room. "Darling~ I want to hear you scream my name.~" I cover my mouth, disobeying him. Then out of nowhere, he forcefully grabs my cock with his hand. "AH!~" "Naughty, naughty boy~ why did you cover your mouth?~" He asked intimidatingly but sultry. "The noises I make aren't nice..." I trailed off, but he just chuckled "that's nonsense. I've heard you, and it's one of the hottest, most adorable noises you could possibly make, Henry babe.~" He claims seductively. "Y/N.... kiss me~........" (Cliché Ik).

End of dream~

My eyes flutter open as I wipe the sweat from my brow. "That... that was a dream? Woah!" It seemed so realistic. I looked to my right to see the sun rising through my window, and my wife was sleeping to my left, breathing softly. I went to get up from bed and get ready for work, but when I went to get up, I felt something wet, did I? Great, now I have to clean this up before she wakes up.

Today is going to be one strange day. How will I face anyone today, let alone Y/N? I might have to lock myself in my office all day. But I'm not going to lie, 'that' was attractive. I never thought I'd have something like that happening to me. Maybe, I don't love my wife? Only the Lord knows my true feelings. That's the magic of wet dreams~.

Suddenly the phone starts ringing. "Hello?" I say, picking up the phone. "Hey Henry," William said on the other line, quite worried. Why was he so concerned? He's usually relaxed and laid back, and 'I'm' the one who's stressed! "What's wrong, William?" I asked, unsure why my best friend had called. "Um, so Y/N has been acting strange lately...." he tells me, with a concerned look. "Strange?" I questioned, "what do you mean by strange, William?" "Well, he's always red when he's around you. And he seems to hate Amy but loves and cares for everyone else. It's quite odd." He admits.

I quickly set down the phone, instantly becoming red. That information could help. "Daddy, are you okay?" Charlie and Sammy ask, soon having Amy follow them from behind. "I'm alright, kids. It was just Uncle William asking about work. Now get ready to go to the pizzeria." I lie to make things easier. Today is going to be one hell of a day.

Re-edited on the 14th of March 2023

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