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It was right after Woods proposed to you the hating got worse. Yeah of course you got some before but none were as bad as this. There was one night where you had just got home and went upstairs to get changed. you were super tired and you didn't really feel like doing anything so you decided to have a quick check on twitter. As soon as you logged in you were bombarded with messages from Woods 'fans'.

"Your not worthy of Woods"
"Woods hates you. He's only going out with you to make him look good."
"Your such a slut."
"Why does Woods love you?"

It was at that moment that you broke down. You hated this, you haven't told Woods yet because he has been so busy lately and you didn't want to disturb him. I don't even think he knows its happening.

As you were busy hysterically crying you didn't notice the door open. "Babe I'm back," you heard Woods shout from downstairs. Oh god "I'll be down in a minute," you said trying to sound like you haven't been crying. You quickly get up and run toward the bathroom not seeing Woods jogging up the stairs.

"Darling! Are you alright? You didn't sound that well," he asked nicely as you spin around so he couldn't see your face. "Yeah, I'm fine," you say. "You sure? Because you won't let me see your beautiful face," "Yeah, I'm perfectly fine."

As your back was turned you didn't realize Woods walking around you catching a glimpse of your tear stained face. "Baby! Why were you crying?" He questions whilst pulling you in for a hug.

"No reason."
"Don't lie to me babe."
"Fine, recently your fans have been quite vocal about their opinions of me and I can't say all of it is nice."
"Princess why didn't you tell me? I could have stopped them."
"I didn't want to worry you, your already busy with your new film and-"
"You stop right there. I would drop everything for you, you are the most important thing to me. My goal in life is to make you happy, if that means giving up 863 I'll do it, if that means moving I'll do it, heck if that means someone else makes you happier then I do I'll gladly leave. Your my world. Your my beautiful, gorgeous, kind, lovely, caring, stunning world and I don't care what the fans say, you're beautiful and you're mine."

This one made me cry a bit. Love it though. Comment any requests and vote pls. I'm kinda running low on ideas.

Have an epic day ~ Madison <3

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