How He Hugs You // Preference

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Steve He hugs you with his arms hooked under yours, pulling you into him. He doesn't usually hug you when you're around the gang, but when he does it's a short and sweet hug.

Dallas He never usually hugs you in public unless there's a special exception. His hugs are protective; he wraps an arm around your shoulder and the other around your waist, squeezing you tightly.

Two-Bit Two always has his arms around you, wether you're with the gang or not. If you're with the gang he'll be hugging you from behind and occasionally kissing your forehead, causing you to giggle.

Johnny Johnny doesn't care who your with or where you are when you two hug. You bury your head in his chest as he embraces you with his arms around your waist, hugging you tightly.

Sodapop When Soda hugs you, he wraps an arm around your shoulder and tangles a hand in your hair. Soda whispers to you how much he loves you as he hugs you.

Ponyboy Pony'll hug you anywhere. He doesn't care if the gang'll make fun of him for it. He just loves to have you in his arms. His arms are wrapped around your waist and your arms hook under his armpits as you grip his shoulders.

Darry His hugs are gentle; he drapes his arms over your shoulders as your arms encircle his waist. When he's angry, you have to tell him not to hug you so hard; you can barely breathe!

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