Chapter 1

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A bit of background information:

Derek and Addison were never married and have never been together.

Meredith and Derek are together for now 😏

Ellis doesn't have Alzheimer's.

Thatcher never comes into Merediths life neither does Lexie.

Richard is a father figure for Meredith but Ellis and Richard never ended up together they're just close friends.

Ellis was chief of the Seattle grace but handed it down to Richard when she first got sick a year ago.


It was like a bomb waiting to go off. You sit there knowing that something catastrophic is going to happen any second and theres nothing you can do. As you watch the timer tick on whilst the rest of the world carries on like normal. The anticipation of just wanting it to go off so it was done and over no longer a worry but the awful pain that comes with the knowledge with what comes after it finally explodes. When the timer finally comes to an end. Thats how Meredith felt when Dr Webber came into her mother hospital room to tell her the news she would never quite be ready to hear. The room had an eerie feel from the moment he had taken a step into the room as his shoes squeaked against the laminate flooring. Meredith gulped grasping her mother frail hands tightly her eyes burning into Richard as his mouth parted ready to speak ready to break poor Meredith Greys heart.

"As we thought the cancer has spread to your lungs" he began. Meredith knew what was coming she never wanted him to finish what he was saying as that meant it would be true and she knew she wasn't strong enough to handle that.

"We knew it was a possibility nothing to be surprised about" Ellis responded. Meredith didn't expect anymore from her mother, she wasn't the type of person to let her walls down and show her true emotion she would just plaster it with sarcasm and jokes.

"She hasn't got long left has she" Meredith muttered looking between Ellis and Richard.

"No a few weeks at the most I'm sorry it's not better news" Richard said sincerely. Meredith had no idea how to react her mind was going a million miles an hour full of questions full of emotions. She looked towards Ellis her pale skin almost blending in with the sheets, her bone structure more prominent than ever before from the weight she had lost so suddenly.

"It's going to be ok Meredith ... you have Derek now he will look after you ... you have people Meredith people who have treated you better than I have" Ellis brought her cold hands up to her daughters face wiping away the tear that had escaped her eye. Meredith and Ellis never use to be close, her whole childhood she was basically raised by nannies. Ellis was always at the hospital she never thought twice about her daughter even after Meredith's father had left. It wasn't until they moved to Seattle when Meredith was 17 that Ellis realised how badly she had treated her daughter and ever since they had been close. Although never the kind of mother and daughter whom would share their feelings or go shopping together but close enough to understand they both loved each other.

"I know I just you've spent more years loving me and taking care of me than you did ignoring me and leaving me to over people I just don't want to let that go yet" Meredith hiccuped.

Derek was watching the scene play out from the over side of the room, his heart was breaking for Meredith he knew how she felt when his father died when he was younger he honestly didn't think he would ever overcome it but here he is now. Meredith and Derek had been dating 2 years things had been rocky but they had managed to overcome it with a lot of work. Ellis at the beginning hated them together she was constantly trying to scare Derek off wanting the very best for her daughter the last thing she wanted was some boy to come along and break her daughters heart. Eventually Ellis realised how happy Derek was making her daughter and backed away content with knowing her daughter was going to be safe with him. Derek didn't know if to go and comfort Meredith or stay where he was and give her space. Some nights she would come home and cry in his arms until she fell asleep overs she would ignore him completely bottling up her emotions not wanting anyones help. Right now he had no idea what Meredith wanted.

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