Chapter 7

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Meredith guided Bizzy and Addison through the hospital walking through the back entrances to hide away from anyone she knows. The hospital was mainly empty the time that the shifts change. Whilst they walked through the halls Bizzy made small comments about the interior, saying she had expected Ellis to make certain parts look nicer. Meredith just shook her head letting Bizzy talk away whilst Addison just rolled her eyes not wanting to say anything to keep her going.

Meredith held her breath as she rounded the corner leading to her mothers room. She had half expected the usual group of people to still be huddled around it but to her relief only one nurse sat behind the desk.

"I can't promise she'll be awake but she probably woke up extra early knowing you were coming"Meredith directed to Bizzy.

"She'll be awake in the next 2 minutes whether she like it or not" Bizzy replied sternly.

"I don't know what she was happy you were coming to see her" Addison shook her head at her mother but stood just behind her in order not to her caught.

"Are you going to let us in?" Bizzy chose to ignore her daughters comment and instead turn to Meredith.

"Oh yes sorry" Meredith quickly turned around to open her mothers door, holding it open for her to walk in. Addison let out a sigh as she walked past Meredith into the room. Meredith quietly shut the door behind her facing toward her mothers bed where she sat awake and already greeting Bizzy.

Meredith walked over to sit beside Addison on the sofa they'd been sitting on the previous day. Meredith watched as Ellis hung an arm around Bizzy brining her into a hug the best she could. Meredith turned her head to Addison who was sharing the same expression as her totally thrown off by the gesture. It had came as more of a shock to Addison than to Meredith. Addison had grown up never reviving hugs from her mother and if she ever got one it was only ever in front of people. Where as when Meredith and her Mother began getting closer hugs became something that wasn't so rare.

"I certainly didn't expect the next time I saw you to be in a hospital but none the less it's good to see you" Bizzy joked something that was usual between the pair.

"Well I do think I promised you a vacation after your divorce which I haven't kept to but it is good to see you" Ellis laughed feeling happier to have one of her closest friends by her during the current time.

Addison wasn't affected too much by her parents divorce she had always known that there was something not right just never knew what. The part that did affect her was watching her father be distant with them all including her brother once the divorce was finalised. He had just taken off one day and then later sent his location and that he was doing well. It wasn't until much later she'd found out he had truly loved her mother but the whole time her mother had found more interest in the woman working for her.

Addison was in a state of disbelief when she found out her mother wasn't who she thought she was but she wasn't who her mother thought she was either. Meaning they truly didn't know each other all too well which only seemed to make them more alike; both in love with a girl but too afraid to admit it (at the time anyway).

"Funny enough I do remember that although I don't remember receiving it" Bizzy raised her eyebrows to the woman sitting in front of her.

"Well I better hurry up and repay you soon as I don't think there's too much time left" Ellis joked the only way she had been able to come to terms with what was happening to her.

"Mom really" Meredith voice broke up the older women 'private' conversation.

"What it's the truth dear" Ellis replied looking behind Bizzy to see her daughter. When she saw the saddened look she mouthed 'I'm sorry' which Meredith nodded too.

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