Chapter 10

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Meredith had gotten abruptly woken up by the sound of her phone vibrating from beside her. She let out a groan slamming a fist into the mattress. She reached out slowly for her phone squinting at the caller id at the top of her screen. She felt deflated when she noticed it was her mother's lawyer who was calling her. She pressed the accept button pulling the phone to her ear.

"Hello" she tried her best to adjust to her phone voice, but it came out croakier.

"Hello Meredith, I am very sorry to hear about your mothers passing" the lawyer spoke on the other side of the phone.

"Thank you" she sat up to lean against the headboard noticing for the first time Derek had already done.

"We need to find a time to discuss your mother's funeral arrangements and will. I know it's so soon, but these things are normally better to do as soon as possible" he told her making her heart tighten.

"Ok my schedule is clear all week so I should be able to do it anytime" Meredith began picking at her cuticles as she waited for him to reply, she assumed that he must have been checking his calendar.

"I am available this morning until the afternoon to discuss everything, you'll need to make sure that Addison Forbes-Montgomery, Bizzy Forbes and Richard Webber are also able to attend" Meredith eyebrows raised at the last part.

"I am sure they will all be available if not I will call you back to make you aware" Meredith hummed back.

"Ok, I will try to aim to be round for 11:00am at your mother's house"

"Ok thank you" Meredith check the time on the clock which read 9:00am, she slept longer than she thought. With a short goodbye the conversation was wrapped up and Meredith was able to end the call. She messaged Addison about what the lawyer had said, hoping she'd tell her mother, as well as Richard.

Meredith headed for the shower not fussed by waiting for a response from them. The air was chilly in her room as she kicked her legs over the side of the bed. The wooden floor creaked under her steps as she made her way to the bathroom connected to her room. The bathroom was still warm and thick with steam from where Derek had previously been in there.

As she washed her body the smell of strong aftershave was replaced by the softness of lavender. Meredith used her hands to massage her neck under the fall of the water, feeling the tightness release. Meredith would have spent all day in the shower if she could've.

Stepping out the of the shower she noticed how her hair was sticking to her back making it uncomfortable. She made quick work of brushing it out, applying a small amount of oil into the end before tying it up out of the way. She frowned at herself in the mirror not use to wearing her hair in a ponytail. It was something she use to do when she was younger but now it was just when she was scrubbing in.


Once Meredith had managed to get herself ready for the excruciating day ahead of her, she was able to check her message. Just like she had predicted everyone was available to meet with the lawyer that morning which overall made things much easier for Meredith. Richard being the generous man he is asked if she wanted him to bring anything over, Meredith declined saying that he shouldn't go out of his way. Obviously, he ignored her comment and notified her he'd stop by a bakery on his way and pick up a selection of pastry's, she could no longer say no to that.

She had made her way downstairs to scowler the premises to ensure it was tidy and clean, so Bizzy didn't think she was running a total frat house. Meredith had managed to get rid of all reminisce of takeout and the many not so tidy roommates she had. The last touch was the candle she had tucked away in a cabinet far from Izzie's reach, saved for when there were visitors.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2022 ⏰

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