Chapter 4

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Merediths heart was racing as they stepped out of the room she could already feel them all staring at her. She slowly looked up her eyes first meeting Alex's who gave her a look telling her he has got nothing to do with anything they do or say. She gave him a small smile reassuring him that she would be fine. Izzie was transfixed on Addison every small movement she makes Izzie notices. Meredith hadn't put much thought into the impact Addison being here would have on Izzie the girl doesn't stop going on about her. It had always been awkward for Meredith she would have to sit and pretended to have no connection to Addison what so ever as the blonde talked her ear off. There was definitely a lot of explaining to do to each of them. Meredith was going to speak to them separately. She would speak to Derek first then Cristina and Alex and finish with Izzie and George. But she was going to save her friends for another day Derek alone was going to take all of her energy up.

Addisons hand rests on Merediths lower back providing the small amount of safety she needs. Her lips part to speak but nothing comes out, to be honest she has no idea what to say. She presses her lips together taking in a deep breath.

"I know you're all probably really confused ... I just really need some time but I promise I will explain but I need to speak to Derek first" Merediths voice came out shaky she's never felt intimidated by her friends until now. Cristina gave her a knowing nod, the two of them had managed to come to some sort of understanding with each other where no words needed to be exchanged.

"Confused is an understatement" George snorts which a yelp follows with after Izzies elbow jabs into his ribs.

"It's fine take all the time you need" Izzie shares her classic beaming smile with Meredith although her eyes are still very much on Addison.

"Does anyone know where Derek is?" Meredith addresses them all ready to just rip the band aid off.

"He had surgery but it got pushed back so he's probably moping about somewhere" Cristina answered which wasn't helpful at all; she still didn't know where he was.

"Oh well we're off to get coffee so I'll find him on the way" Meredith pointed in the direction of the elevators. She gave a nod to her friends before she departed with Addison following behind her.
"I'm going to take you to the good coffee cart which is outside cause the inside stuff is honestly disgusting" Meredith explained so Addison would know where to go if she needed good coffee.

"Nothing can be a bad as that coffee we were given at one of my college event" Addison laughed reminding Meredith of something she thought she had forgotten.

"Oh that was terrible I think I would of rather drank water from a pond" Meredith grimaced. She smacked her lips together as the taste of that coffee tainted her taste buds.


Addison had dragged Meredith along to one of her many college events, she thought it would be worthwhile seeming as Meredith would be graduating high school that year. Meredith didn't want to go, the thought of seeing Addisons friends intimated her. Meredith was younger than them and she felt like she was just going to get judged the whole time.

The whole car journey there Merediths foot nervously tapped against the carpeted floor; gradually driving Addison crazy. After a full 10 minutes of nonstop tapping Addison flung her hand across the centre console resting it on the top of her thigh. Her knee stopped bouncing as Addisons fingers soothingly ran against her jean clad thigh.

"Why are you so nervous?" Addison asked looking at her briefly and then back to the road.

"What if your friends hate me? What if they see me as like your annoying little sister? There going to take one look at me and think I'm just a high schooler coming along for the fun of it. They're probably going to-" Meredith rambled off her hands being thrown in all sorts of directions. Her eyes widened as she panicked more.

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