Chapter 3

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Carrying on from the last chapter

Derek stood on the over side of the wall frustration running through him taking over all his emotions. He had no clue who the expensive looking redhead was to Meredith but he had to know. He of course knew who she was how could you be a surgeon and not know Dr Addison Adrianne Forbes-Montgomery but what was so special about her his girlfriend was calling her up. They had known each other almost 3 years yet she had never once mentioned her name so why now was she here? He glared at the blind covered window hoping that it would suddenly break. Derek Shepherd was jealous that he had never revived a call from his own girlfriend for him to come over and comfort her. Dereks stormed away not being able to stand their any longer, surgery is what he needed he could find out answers later.

Meanwhile Meredith was wrapped securely in Addisons arms, a feeling she thought she would never feel again. Addisons arms both circled around the blondes body her freshly manicured hands met together in the middle. Meredith's head rested on the flat of Addisons chest as she listened to the quiet swooshing of her heart from beneath. Addisons head rested gently on top of Merediths as her finger tips would brush over her arm. This is exactly what Meredith had needed this was all she wanted. She let the tears slip down her checks disappearing down her neck to be soaked in by the neck of her sweater or by Addisons shirt. Addison felt the urge to drop a kiss to the blondes head but wasn't sure if it was appropriate. She gave in pressing a kiss to her head which just made her snuggle deeper into her chest.

"She's only got a week or so maybe even less" Meredith whispered to Addison as she slowly started to explain everything.

"How long have you know?" Addison inquired.

"It's been six months since she got diagnosed but we found out yesterday how little time she had" she sniffled.

"Bizzy said that she would try and make it in the next few days ... she said something about her and Ellis needing one last Martini together" Addison repeated what her mother had said.

"They use to drink martins and talk whilst we went down to the lake" she informed Addison knowing she didn't quite know what her mother meant.

"I wondered what they spoke about" Addison thought out loud.

"Probably about the latest gossip Connecticut had to offer or how not to be existent in their daughters lives" Meredith half joked.

"At least your mother tried to mend things Bizzy still hasn't been able to tell me she loves me" She sighed.

"It took forever to get those three words from her but she did try and we did mend things" Meredith was glad that her and her mother had been able to form some type of relationship even if it was years too late. She always wondered why her mother suddenly cared why she decided to become a mother after 18 years of letting nannies do that for her followed by 4 years of ignoring her.

"Well let's hope during their last Martini Ellis can offer some advice to Bizzy" Addison said causing Meredith to giggle.

Bizzy and Ellis stood at the large French doors at the back of the Forbes-Montgomery house as the cool summer breeze brushed past them. They watched as their daughters skipped arm in arm towards the lake with one of their nannies following close behind. The red and blonde braids bounced up and down with each skip. They wore their matching dresses Meredith's in a lavender colour whilst Addisons was in a baby pink; you could almost mistake them as twins. Bizzy and Ellis sipped at their Martinis which had been freshly made by a staff member in the house.

It had become a tradition that every Sunday the girls would go down to the lake with one enough no matter what even if the weather was against them. They would drag one of the nannies out even in the snow such to their delight. Addison would always bring a spare pair of mittens on cold days knowing Meredith rarely came prepared. Once the girls had officially made it a tradition Bizzy and Ellis decided to make one of their own as long as Ellis wasn't at the hospital and Bizzy  wasn't dealing with one of her many charities they would meet for martinis and watch their daughters from a distance.

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