Chapter 2: Dealing with the devil

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Funneh's pov:

For some stupid reason, Evan voluntered to give Lunar a school tour. Has he not heard of the rumors??? I do hope he'll be okay.. me, gold, alec and even Kyran are worried...For the meantime, the professor technically gave us a 10 min. Break because we were waiting for the two.

In the meanwhile, i notice Kyran. He'd been quiet and did'nt talk to either of us.

I signaled Gold to talk to him since he's feeling down, and what a better way to cheer him up with Gold's presence.

End of Funneh's pov

"Hey Kyran..!" Gold whisper-yelled. He turns around and payed attention to her.

"Are you.. okay?" Gold asks.

"Huh? Oh.. um.. i'm feeling alot better now but I can't help but worry about Evan with Lunar around.. " kyran says.

"I'm sure he'll be alright, after all, we're talking about Evan here" Gold says positively and smiles.

Kyran looked like he felt alot better after a pep talk with Gold. "Thanks..." He says and gave her a small smile..

Meanwhile at Evan and Lunar:

Evan's pov:
After the discouraging remarks of the whole class, I proceed to follow this girl named Lunar.. apparently. Everyone says she's a bad student but I dont see why. She cant be THAT bad right???

Honestly, I mostly just felt bad that no one wanted to welcome her so I might aswell be humane and do that..I then started walking by her side.

"I can do this alone I don't need your help

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"I can do this alone I don't need your help." She says.

"Hey its not my fault! I volunteered because you'll get lost walking around here-" i say as i was trying to catch up to her walking.

She ignores me and just starts walking faster. I probably might regret doing this but i'll try.

"Hey, can you like..slow down? I dont think you know where you're going-" i said.

Suprisingly,she stopped and sighed "fine...i'll listen just this once cuz I know you probably wow'nt stop annoying me by the end of the day..." lunar says as she crosses her arms.

" Finally!" I shouted with a smile. For some odd reason i was looking forward to get along with her. Probally because she also had teal hair or something idk. I then proceeded to give her a whole tour exactly 10 mins or they'll start the class before we get back.

End of evan's pov..

After classes

After Chemestry class, they all went to their lockers (aka Funneh,Gold, and Kyran) but before that, they encounter Rainbow.

"Oh hey guys! I just finished my Cooking classes" She says in a bright smile. Funneh and Gold greets Rainbow. Meanwhile, she looks over to Kyran and hugs him right away.

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