Chapter 3: Mother knows best

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Chapter 3- Mother knows best

Lunar started getting closer, and closer to the group. Kyran literally hid behind Alec who clearly was terrified of her. Lunar just passed by the group, not giving them any eye contact and she was about to leave not until it started raining.

"..." She sighed and just stood there silently. She looked like she did'nt have any umbrella at all so she just sat by the stairs and waited.

Kyran sighed and opened his bag, and grabbed his only umbrella.

"Um what are you doing Kyran?" Alec asks..

"...well i know it sounds like a stupid idea but.. im going to give it to Lunar" Kyran said. He looked like a brave soldier about to save his team.

" What?! Are you crazy??" Funneh exaggerated. Kyran just trusted himself and walked up to Lunar. He handed out his umbrella to her.

"Hm?" Lunar looks up and sees Kyran. She immidiently gets irritated and slightly pushes him away. "I dont need it." She said coldly and continued sitting there as the rest of the group watched from behind.

Kyran's pov:

"Look, i know you're mad at me but i'm trying to make it up to you!" i said for only Lunar to hear. I didnt want the rest of the group know about the real situation..

"You think thats going to work? Thats not enough to fix the damage you caused and you know that." Lunar said and gave me a glare. She always had that glare on her face everytime she saw me back then.

"It was all in the past Lunar- i tried my everything!" I said, once again for only Lunar to hear.

" No. Get out of my face. Looking at you is a disgrace..just like how everyone looks at me." She said coldly as she got up, ran in the cold rain until i could hardly see her anymore. I messed up.

I looked back at the group and they seem worried and suprised. I go back up to them.

End of kyran's pov..

"Oi! What happened there? Are you alright? " Rainbow shouted. She sounded like your local concerned mom.

"I'm fine..its just that..Lunar isnt.." Kyran says slowly. He was hesitant saying anything.

"Hey i think we should just head home and go to senpai's party, hm? " Rainbow said trying to change the topic.

" You were also invited Rainbow?" Gold asked, suprised. I mean, Senpai didnt really know her. After all she's just the new kid in school.

"Yup! Senpai and i..are from the same classes. And we got along reaaaally well" Rainbow said as she blinked many times and twirled her hair.

Gold and funneh looked at each other and giggled. They knew Rainbow had some "connection" with senpai together.

"Hey hey! What are you two thinking? Don't get the wrong idea here!" Rainbow said while bonking Funneh and Gold's heads together.

On the other hand, Alec looked..sad? Scared? Worried? Probally the mix of those three.

"Hey, i gotta go now since we should get going at the party. The rain slowed down too so..." Alec said. He looked really fidgety as if he really needed to do something important.

" Alright see you at the party Alec!" Funneh waved and smiled. Alec smiled back as he was walking away with a wave.

"Hmm..i should get going too! Hey Kyran wanna walk home together? I dont have an umbrella and my dorm is next to yours so..." Rainbow said in a cheerful tone.

" Ah..sure but small talk?" Kyran replied, nervously.

" Fine, fine! You're boring."Rainbow pouted and walked outside with Kyran

" Guess i'll see you guys in the party later" Kyran said and nervously laughs as he walked away with Rainbow.

Funneh and Gold also went back to their dorms but before that,they saw Yandere chan.

"Huh? Yandere? What are you doing there?" Funneh shouts. Yandere was hiding behind the stairs for some reason (👀)

"Oh! Um..hi guys!" She immidiently stands up and brushes off her skirt.

"What were you doing there yandere?" Gold asked, suspicious.

"Ah..well i was just wondering who this ' Rainbow 'girl is... I mean, i've never seen her before.." Yandere says sheepishly.

" Oh, well she's new here! Not entirely? She was here In Yhs a year ago and went to a diffrent school and came back again because of financial issues. Nothing much" Funneh explained.

" Oh alright..she kinda just looked like..her.." Yandere said as she brushed her arms and looked " sad "

" We know. We all miss Valerie alot too but we have to move on for her.." Gold says trying to cheer up Yandere.

" Say..i should get going..! For.. you know, senpai's party an all." Yandere said. She looked excited. "I dont know what the occasion exactly is but i think it's his sister's birthday" she added.

" Alright, we better head out now! We need to go buy some presents!" Funneh says as she pushes Gold out to the exit.

Alec's Pov..

Alec's journal:
"Day 150 in Yhs, senior year.. Since Rainbow and Lunar arrived, we've been experiencing diffrent problems. Lunar had been hurting the students, specifically Kyran. And Rainbow may or may not be getting too close to Kai (senpai) and yandere chan might... "

End of Alec's pov..

With Kyran and Rainbow..

It's Raining and both Rainbow and Kyran are both walking under the same umbrella to go to their dorms..

"Heyyyyy, i know you said no small talk but like.. what's with you and Lunar?" Rainbow asked openly beside Kyran.

Kyran sighed "...believe it or not we used to be friends in sophmore year.. and the reason... she hates me was because the bullying we both got.. "
Kyran said nervously. He clearly didnt wanna tell Rainbow, but because there was no other way out, he had no choice.

"Hmm.. I understand.. go on" Rainbow responded professionally.

"... Well uh, when the bullying happened, I did'nt really defend her at times, and it gotten to the point where i had to do something and had to stop being friends with Lunar.. all because of this girl named Veronica"

Rainbow placed her hand on her chin
" Hmm..i see, i see. Realistically speaking, it wasn't your fault. It was a form of self-defense from the bullying you know...and i'm sure it was a hard choice to unfriend Lunar" she said like she was a therapist.

" Heh..i know but she hates me now. I mean, it was kinda weak of me not to actually defend the both of us but..i was a coward.." kyran pouted and clearly showed self-hatred.

Little did they now, they both already stopped by their dorms.

"You know, you should really think about a way to get redemption instead of regreting things. But i REALLY promise i wownt tell anyone this time" Rainbow chuckled and soon walked to her own Dorm. Leaving Kyran speechless in his thoughts.

" Alright..." He says to himself. Still standing there under his umbrella near his dorm room. Soaking wet. He then goes inside his home still speechless.

References/ fun facts:
•Veronica is actually that mean girl from Vengeance high in Season 2 who had purple hair and was spoiled.
•The chapter tittle "Mother knows best" is referencing to Rainbow being the mom friend of group.

Author's note: sorry for not updating- ive been rlly busy- if u have the time plz like this fanfic for more support 💕

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