Chapter 6: He knows..

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With Funneh and Gold:

"HEY WAKE UP FUNNEH! WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE!" Gold yelled so loud to the point where you can hear her from another house.

"OKAY GEEZ! CALM DOWN!" Funneh was panicked by Gold.

Funneh fixed herself up really fast and finally went downstairs.

"Cmon gold let's go!" Funneh said. But as she was going to storm off the door...

"Hehe... HEHEHE..." Gold giggled which gave funneh the creeps.

"G.. gold?" Funneh stuttered.

"IT'S ACTUALLY 4 AM-" Gold shouted but angy sleepy funneh smacked her with a book.

In math class:

"Hey! Funneh and gold!" A girl's voice was heard.

" What Evelyn? " Funneh asked.

"About what happened to Rainbow..." Evelyn continued on about her questions.

"Uh oh.." Gold mumbled to herself knowing that Evelyn would go bonkers solving the case ;which wasn't entirely bad.

Funneh sighs after explaining everything. Evelyn asks if she could meet up with Raibow. (Who was released from the hospital). And funneh lets her. She wonders if it was a good or bad choice.

" okay class we're going to learn about the fundamentals of calculus-" Mr. Wacko said

Everyone excpet Evelyn was annoyed. After all, math was a difficult subject for almost everybody.

After math class:

Funneh,Gold and Evelyn went to find Rainbow.

"Hey guys..!" Rainbow said who was standing beside her locker.

"Oh hey Rainbow! How are you?" Gold asked who was still concerned.

" Uh.. well overall I'm fantastic but.. the pressure and water slightly damaged my lungs and breathing is much for harder.. " Rainbow said who was upset about it.

" Sorry about that Rainbow.. by the way, were you pushed into the pool? " Funneh asked curiously.

" Uhm.. I'm actually not sure.. i was eating cake beside the pool until a huge force make me fall into the pool. Though as i fell.. i couldn't really see anyone.. " Rainbow explained.

" Hm.. could you tell us more details?" Evelyn asked.

" Wait who are you? " Rainbow asked who was confused.

" This is Evelyn, one of our friends and former classmate. She likes to solve things to fight for justice.." Funneh explained. She never told the part where she was a private investigator which is a secret.

"Ah.. alright then. let's talk over this in the cafeteria, okay?" Rainbow said with a small smile. Although she was tired just by looking at her, she was still her cheery self that everybody knows and loves. Alot of things had happened for her first day of school.

As the 4 were walking down to the cafeteria, they saw posters of elections about the school's student councilors.

"Elections? Wait.. weren't you a president in the school Evelyn? " Gold asked.

" Wait you were?! " Funneh said with a suprised look.

" Well.. i was but now im just the secondary president." Evelyn explained. I mean, she was smart to actually become the school's president.

"Then who's the first?" Rainbow asked.

"Him." Evelyn points out a person on the voting list. The person's name was above evelyn's.

"Draco..? Who's that?" Funneh asked in confusion.

" What?! You dont know him?! He's one of the most smartest students and got perfect scores for the entrance exams!" Gold replied.

" Surprisigly, i never heard of him before.. isn't he younger than us? It says he's in freshman year.. " rainbow points to the paper.

" I know he's supposed to be 'smart' and all but i think Evelyn should be the president. " Funneh said without looking at anyone. Evelyn was suprised by what funneh said.

"R-really?" Evelyn stuttered. She didn't feel like she genouinely deserves it.

"Mhm! I agree! Evelyn, you are a very dedicated and talented detec- i mean student! You should appreciate yourself more Evelyn! " Gold said with enthusiasm.

" I may have just met you, but since they both believe in you, then i do too! " Rainbow also said and gave her a smile.

Evelyn was flustered all over. She was very surprised that her friends think she's amazing. For a long time, she had been doubting herself, thinking she wasnt good enough. But with words of courage, her friends managed to convince that she was a talented person who deserved it.

"Fine then! I'll nominate myself as the president. You guys can help me convince the students if i really am amazing as you say" Evelyn told them.

" We will! " The 3 girls replied back cheering her on every step of the way.

With Yandere-chan:

Small footsteps were heard in such a big hallway. Only student councilors got to see such a big building that looked luxurious.

She was called by the president of the student council... Draco. she was called for unknown reasons and thinks she may have done something wrong during classes.

"CreaaAAAkk" the door was opened and made a very annoying noise.

"Student councilor Draco, I'm here. Do you need anything?" Yandere said in a very sweet-girl tone

"Oh. You're here? Well there's no one around us.. you can drop the act now. " Draco said as he spun his chair into a 180° to face her.

"W-what?" Yandere acted dumb. Was she finally getting caught or was this just a misunderstanding?

"You know what i mean. That's the act you gave when you befriended and killed her.. " draco points out to a picture of a dead girl. Perhaps yandere's victim in the past.

"Hm.. what if i did? What do you want?"  Yandere's sweet-girl tone suddently became her depressing self. The identity that no one knew about her.

"I don't necessarily need any money or anything if you're wondering. Jusy stay away from Kai and i wownt tell. " Draco said. (He's referring to senpai and his name is Kai)

"Tch. Whatever." Checkmate. Yandere-chan was cornered. She didn't know if she could still do anything at all.

"And if you break the deal, i have a recording of this conversation so don't act so sly." Draco replied as he walked to a bulletin board.

"You see, Kai and I were childhood friends. And now, his spouse Valerie, died. From a fire? No. I know it was you who had done it. I'm not that stupid" Draco said as he looked into the a picture of him and Kai.

Yandere listens but sees a knife next to some fruits. She carefully tries to grab it.

"And that's why you can't be with him. You are a disgusting human being. A phycopath. " He said and turned around to look at yandere.

Yandere immidiently put her hand off the knife from the desk. She couldn't grab it in time.

"So what do you want me to do? Just stay away from him?" Yandere asked with a bit of rage.

" Hm.. yes. You can't kill me ayano. I know about Celeste, Elijah and Alec. Even your mom's history. So don't get too cocky." Draco said. He definitely knew. There's no doubt.

"Um , what were you on again? I don't really understand.. " Yandere acted like a naive girl again. Shd had no choice but to play dumb.

"You should use that talent of yours for acting. I think you have a good career ahead of you. " Draco said as he sat back at his chair implying Yandere-chan should leave.

Ayano walked out the building, frustrated. She was surrounded and thought to herself

...He knew.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2022 ⏰

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