Chapter 5.1- tripple the trouble

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(Note from author: this is basically just a oneshot on what happened on the "sleep over" with lunar and Evan to get to know them more! Enjoy 😈😈😈)

Lunar and Evan:

They heard a noise outside again until
the lights then went back on.

"Looks like the lights are on. The rain also stopped. Im going home now" lunar said coldly as she stood up.

"Aw come on, you agreed to this sleepover-" Evan defended

"I didn't agree to anyth-" Lunar replied back they keep hearing running footsteps.

"Hey, you can't leave now.. there might be someone outside..." Evan said seriously.

Lunar rolls her eyes and sits back on the couch and placed her backpack at the floor.

" Finally you agreed! Anyways,if you wanna go to bed you can go to the guest room right there.." Evan pointed the far back corridor.

" Hey why aren't you like...invited in that senpai guy's party?" Lunar asked.

" Well we're not really..close? So i kinda doubted he'd invite me. After all it's just his sister's birthday" Evan replied as he sat on the floor.

They both silently sat and did absolutely nothing. Evan was starting to get really bored.

" PLEASE! I'm so bored! Can we play bored games,video games or yknow, listen to music atleast??" He begged. Evan couldn't stand the akward tension anymore.

" Fine...but like, are we just going to brush off the fact that someone might be outside or..." Lunar replied

" It's probally no- AAAAA" Evan screamed through the roof.

" W-what the- hey are you ok?" Lunar asked who rushed over beside him

"...Look..behind you.." He said in a quiet voice.

Lunar looked behind her and there was a dark figure near the window. As soon as they did, the lights started flickering. Although all of that happened, Lunar seemed unbothered. Evan soon started getting more paranoid as wierd sounds came from outside the house. He grabs a baseball bat so we would be able to catch the intruder. Lunar was amused and was slightly giggling.

"T-there might be someone in the house- Why are you laughing?!" Evan asked who was also terrified of lunar.

" Well..." Lunar said

The front door opened and his little brother shows up.

"Boo!" A little kid said loudly.

Evan looked panicked but relieved at the same time and lunar was cackling like a witch. The little boy gave a high-five to lunar as they both chuckle in delight of seeing Evan terrified.

"W-wha?" He was stuned. No, he was speechless.

"Why.. are you here? Aren't you on a vacation with mom and dad?" Evan asked in a very confused tone. It was the middle of the night and stormy. How could his brother be outside, pranking him, at a time like this?

"Well... We actually just went to the mall, nothing much. Our parents are in the pizzaria organizing stuff. And then when i saw HER earlier.. " the little boy said as he pointed to lunar.

"-we decided to prank you! After all Halloween is around the corner.. " Lunar said with a dark shade in her eyes. Proud of herself.

"WHAT- BUT LIKE, YOU GUYS DONT EVEN KNOW EACH OTHER?" Evan was confused screaming. He didn't know what was happening because he wasted all his braincells.

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